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    Saturday, January 5, 2019

    Artifact - If you're bad at the game...

    Artifact - If you're bad at the game...

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    If you're bad at the game...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Can you continue playing so i can play against people of my skill level?

    submitted by /u/BatmanThePizzaMan
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    Erik Robson from Valve about Artifact

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 01:27 PM PST

    Mediocre Players

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 03:15 PM PST

    I'm incredibly average at this game, I really want to be better, but at the same time I know my limits and I'm currently playing a mono green or mono black deck that seem to be working out. I'm actually on a win streak for once and I'm no longer getting completely stomped 10 ways to Sunday. I'm proud to say I beat a seemingly quite competent mono blue last night.

    I know this game gets tonnes of flak and people hate just about everything about it. But for some reason, even when I lose I still enjoy it. I hope there are other people like me who play for the hell of it and still get some enjoyment out of being really average. Celebrate the small victories when you get a lucky draw to save your last tower or play a cheeky card that you know baffles the opponent.

    Please don't quit if you're not good, just keep trying and enjoy the game for what it is when you're not even in the mid tier!

    submitted by /u/Tonto92
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    5 Tips to improve from a no-life loser with 450 hours played

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:00 AM PST

    Figured I'd take a break from trying to get Valve to increase player agency and offer some friendly advice that will make you play better.

    1. Do the math

      I've lost count of how many times I've seen someone waste a healing potion on a hero that is still going to die. It's easily the most common misplay. But math matters more than that. You should be looking to see if you can come up with lethal on the tower, or working out how to kill important heroes, and so on. But it all starts with just taking the time to do the simple math.

    2. Don't play cards unnecessarily.

      You don't need to play creeps in lanes you already have lethal in, nor add weapons to heroes in such a lane. Sure, if you're playing to 40/80, maybe you load up. But most of the time, you're just wasting resources better spent winning the second lane.

    3. Learn to love probability

      I know most people didn't take prob and stat classes in college. To be honest, I only took my first one because it was a required class at West Point. But after that first one, I kinda fell in love with probability.

      Now, for card games, you generally spend all your time dealing with hypergeometric probability which is just another way of saying probability that changes based on the previous event(s). If you're really interesting in learning how to do this yourself, there are plenty of online resources. I would caution that you're going to end up learning not just hypergeometric distributions, but also binomial coefficients, combinatorial identities, and lots of other big confusing words.

      Instead of that, I'd recommend just using a hypergeometric calculator like: https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/hypergeometric.aspx

      For that one, population size is the total number of cards currently in your deck. Number of successes in the number of copies of a card you want to consider (usually 1, 2, or 3, but could be more for signature cards of heroes you have multiple of). Sample size is 5 for opening hand, 2 for normal draw on a turn, or 5+2+2+... if you're trying to figure the probability that your opponent has drawn a particular card on by some turn.

      For example, a mono blue player has a 40 card deck, and will have 6 mana on turn 3 which means they can play Annihilation if they have drawn it, and they have 3 copies in their deck. Using the calculator, you'd use 40 for population, 3 for successes in population, 11 for for sample size (5+2+2+2), and 1 for number of successes because they only need one to really ruin your day.

      Putting all that into the calculator you'll see they have a 45% chance of having exactly 1 copy. But that's not the number you want to look at. You want to know if they have 1 or more which is the greater than or equal to line at the bottom. There you'll see they have a 63% chance of having at least one copy.

      As a side note, this is kinda why Annihilation needs its mana cost upped. Just too likely to be ready to go at 6 mana. And keep in mind, that's not counting what Foresight or Diabolic could do to their sample size.

    4. Always ask yourself, "If I do X, what is the best Y my opponent could counter with?"

      I cannot begin to explain how important this and the next question are for improving your play. If you always ask yourself that, you are far less likely to waste cards that your opponent has ready counters for. This is where knowing probability and often times, your opponent's deck can come in really handy.

      Now you cannot always play around counters, nor should you. But if you are getting ready to play a creep in a lane with a black hero, you have to assume Slay is a real possibility. And no matter the color, your opponent might have their own creep which can kill yours.

    5. The other key question, "How does playing card X here improve my situation more than playing it somewhere else?"

      In a lot of ways, this expands on my second point. If you ask this, you'll waste a lot fewer cards. But in this case, it goes even further because it reminds you to look ahead.

      See, you might get value playing a creep in your current lane. Let's say you have an Oglodi Vandal in hand, your opponent already spent their mana, and you can play it here and get 4+4 tower damage. That's usually pretty good since 8 damage is 20% of a tower's health.

      But if you have the other tower in the next lane nearly at lethal, holding that Oglodi for that lane might make more sense. Killing a tower puts pressure on your opponent in other lanes while still requiring them to at least slow down the damage you do to their ancient. So while you could have gotten good value by playing the creep immediately, you'll potentially get more by saving it.

    submitted by /u/Xavori
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    Can we make timer on prize play equal to tournament?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 05:05 PM PST

    It's almost unbearable to play vs. someone that ropes on normal timer, I always end up my games with 10+ min and when the game is too intensive its like 7, there are people that take the full turn time to pass even if they have no play, FFS. Interesting thing is that I always end up winning vs. ropers and they seem pretty dumb, yes I hate ropers.

    submitted by /u/LegalBerry9
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    Anybody else noticing a lot of close matches that come down to final turns/tower health?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 12:09 PM PST

    I don't know if this is normal or not but every single game im in it seems like the game is coming down to 1 turn, who has initiative, etc.

    I'm getting a lot of close intense games. Not sure if everybody is experiencing this, if it's good match making, or if i'm the only one having lots of really tight matches.

    I'm not sure it's a good thing if EVERY GAME is close. It kind of reminds me of playing NBA JAM at the arcade. No matter how badly you outplay your opponent, the game has "comeback" mechanic and the outcome of the game always comes down to whoever has the ball last and makes their last shot.

    submitted by /u/mantimania
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    Scumbag convoy - "We just want safe passage"

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 10:41 AM PST

    When your creep gets so much steroids it can tank a Thunderhide.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 02:02 PM PST

    Unpopular Opinion: RNG is fine

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:34 AM PST

    This sub is recently ranting about RNG. The factor of randomness is still pretty low as someone posted a few days ago compared to games like poker or backgammon. I love the RNG in Artifact, it makes you need to think and adapt multiple times, and well sometimes you get fucked by it, but RNG can always be also in your favor dont forget that. Furthermore, you are even allowed to control some of the RNG with blue/red/item cards that change attack vectors.

    This game is just awesome and I love it. I hope Valve is not trying to listen too much to RNG ranting people and may ruin some of the interesting part of the game.

    Also, please stop complaining about MMR/ELO. I know it sucks now, but it is damn obvious that the next patches will include a proper rank comparison.

    submitted by /u/PoweedL
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    This sub is clueless about RNG

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 10:05 PM PST

    I am still one toe in the water with Hearthstone, as I am only 130 wins away from completing my 9th and final golden class (Warrior).

    The number of games I have lost in the last 3 days to complete nonsense RNG in Hearthstone is incredible. I come and play Artifact and it is so relaxing. If I lose all my heroes on the flop? No big deal, take a deep breath. I often still win. When I lose in Artifact it's because I made a mistake, not from RNG.

    I hope Valve don't ruin this great game by changing it too much due to the uneducated complaints in this sub. I love Artifact as it is. Downvote away, or AMA.

    submitted by /u/JamieFTW
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    Has anyone thought about doing a social study on the Artifact subreddit ?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 09:00 PM PST

    The state of this subreddit is really unusual.

    I found it really weird that people disliking the game are not just moving away.

    We have a lot of negative posts and a lot of people creating new accounts to shit on the game.

    I understand people coming to give a good criticism, but I don't get why people are losing their time to create new accounts to make posts like "Lol game is shit".

    The subreddit seems also to be highly visited compared to other card games subreddits, while people are shouting that the game is dead.

    Some stats while I'm writing:

    - r/Artifact: 55.1k subs, 2.2k Online

    - r/hearthstone: 924k subs, 3.1k Online

    - r/MagicArena: 84k subs, 1.5k Online

    - r/gwent: 70.8k subs, 473 Online

    - r/DuelLinks: 63.4k subs, 633 Online

    This subreddit has the highest online/sub ratio, but the game being newer impact this.

    We can sometimes see social surveys on r/DotA2 and I was wondering if someone thought about doing some studies on r/Artifact.

    submitted by /u/Oubould
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    Predicting future hero colors based on current card art

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 01:34 PM PST

    I noticed a trend of heroes in card art correlating to their color and some feature Dota heroes not yet implemented in Artifact, so we can assume some future hero colors. From what I can tell this is only true if the hero in the art is the focus/the one doing the action as there are heroes in card art not associated with their color when they are having the action done to them E.G. Sniper being aimed at in 'Caught Unprepared' by Drow, Tide being killed by PA in 'Coup De Grace', Dark Seer getting hit by PA in 'Relentless Pursuit', CM being drained by Lion in 'Mana Drain' etc.


    • At Any Cost and Conflagration = Lina
    • Buying Time, Lost in Time and Fractured Timeline = Faceless Void
    • Arcane Assault = Rubick
    • Foresight = Oracle
    • Friendly Fire = Mirana
    • Remote Detonation = Techies


    • Pick a Fight = Tusk?
    • Sucker Punch = Phantom Lancer?
    • Clear The Deck = Kunkka?

    (It's possible that these heroes aren't the focus/action doers in these red cards and thus may not end up being red heroes which seems to be the case due to the flavour text of these cards)


    • Steal Strength and Curse of Atrophy = Vengeful Spirit


    • Dirty Deeds and Gank = Slark
    • Collateral Damage = Anti-Mage
    • Arcane Censure = Silencer
    • The Cover of Night = Night Stalker
    • Keenfolk Turret = Clockwerk
    • Grazing Shot = Windranger
    • The Oath (and 'Disciple of Nevermore', Shadow Fiend's name in the Dota universe is Nevermore) = Shadow Fiend


    • Invoker is in 'Enough Magic' but he's not the one doing the action, Axe is
    • Death Prophet is in 'Pick Off' but she's not the one doing the action, Lion is

    Also there are non-basic heroes in Artifact that are not (yet) in DotA such as Rix, Kanna, Mazzie & Prellex. It's possible that some of the unknown characters in card art are future heroes that we don't know about e.g. whoever is next to Slark in 'Dirty Deeds' (it seems to be Lorlin Lasan, who is mentioned in some black cards text/voices), the characters next to Bristleback in 'Time of Triumph' etc.

    The flavour text/voices of cards also mention a lot of "Vanessa" in blue cards (possibly the character shown in the card 'Glyph of Confusion') and "Goodkind" in red cards (who is Axe's bard, she's shown in the card art for 'Combat Training'), it's a stretch but these could also be future Dota/Artifact heroes.

    submitted by /u/ItsArma
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    All Heroes Time of Triumph

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:26 PM PST

    My two cents for what it’s worth.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 08:47 PM PST

    I don't know if it's worth saying anything or if anyone will ever read this. I was ready to go all-in on on artifact. I enjoy card games, I needed a reason to quit dota, I didn't want to spend hundreds on hearthstone despite enjoying it a lot, and I sold all of my dota items in preparation for this. I have about 10 hours clocked and haven't had any desire to go back. It has nothing to do with the monetization for me, and I think people are way overvaluing that. People have demonstrated repeatedly that if a game is fun, they'll pay whatever it costs.

    At the end of the day I think the game just isn't that fun. It's not a bad game - it's a great game. It's engaging, well balanced, cool, and has a lot of great features. But there are a few things that stood out to me that have been said before but I'll just add my thoughts for posterity.

    First, some cards are just really not fun. Clozurmane hourglass may be a perfectly fine and balanced card, but it made about half of all of my matches feel really awful. It's like being perma stunned in a game - it always feels frustrating and a lot of times you can figure out how to deal with it in games but it's not super intuitive in artifact. And that goes for a lot of cards. Cheat death was nerfed but there are so many mechanics that just seem like they're stupidly easy to exploit and make things not fun and not as simple to deal with. Enchantress was a good example of that - how the fuck does that hero work? Not super sure, don't really care anymore, just know i didn't have a good time.

    Second of all, it's really hard to tell when a mistake is made. This has been said before, but when a lot of people already know the game so well, it makes things feel insurmountable.

    Third, the weird yugioh-like constant one-upping just seems really stupid to me. Maybe I haven't played enough card games, but the whole Wild West stand-off of "how many +4 hp cards do they have" was not compelling to me. Items were maybe the mechanic I disliked the most. How items are decided in the shop was never really explained well, and I couldn't get more tp scrolls in my deck or know how to make the, appear or whatever. The items you can get that are good are usually marginal little survival buffs, and it doesn't make it feel like an exciting battle, just like a bad episode of yogioh.

    Anyway, sorry if you didn't find this useful or valuable, but I was really hoping I would like the game more. Feel free to tell me why I'm dumb or wrong - I don't hate the game or anything.

    submitted by /u/IXISIXI
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    I just played my best match ever but sadly i can't watch a replay of that match :(

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 01:14 AM PST

    Really loved replay in Dota 2, I am sad/disappointed on why Valve didn't put replay feature at launch. It's a paid game, you should have some expectations. I am sure replay feature is coming soon.

    submitted by /u/TahaKotlin
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    Madman here...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 06:01 AM PST

    I just want to say if Valve is going to stop working on Artifact only because a lot of people left it, i'm going to be really mad. I love this game and i want it to become more popular than Hearthstone. Valve do not give up! Show them you made better card game! You just need a little bit of work!

    submitted by /u/Varggal
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    Artifact need some special rewards, not tickets and packs

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 10:07 AM PST

    Like special card effect or card cover or your courier from dota 2 who will deliver new cards... Your emblem behind your tower...

    Write some rewards, what do you want with level up

    submitted by /u/ultravix
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    Anyone else just enjoying the "Bot" games?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Hi Folks,

    Iv'e played most of the digital card games out there, but Artifact is the hardest one to get familiar with in terms of all the mechanics for me.

    My current games:

    "Eternal" is incredible for someone wanting a ftp experience; complex, but easy to get into, having to have to deal with only 1 lane.

    "Legends" is fun with the 2 Lanes available, but there is less complicated lane-play than Artifact, since your Mana has to cover both lanes each turn.

    "Faeria" is the "Dark Horse" of my currently played card games, but it is a little like Artifact; it does have a bit of a learning curve. and you do actually have three lanes of attack to plan.

    I'm really loving playing against the "Bots" here though; I think I may have to do that for another 5 hours or so, before I feel comfortable playing against "Humans"; I haven't even turned on the timer yet.

    Just curious whether "casual" players like myself were enjoying it so far. I know a lot of the serious players have issues with the game, but since I never really worry about ranking up, this seems like I can play MTGO and have some fun, without spending a lot of money.

    Best, Sandsifter

    submitted by /u/Sandsifter
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    Game unplayable offline, you don't have a deck.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:40 PM PST

    Meepo Magic vs Mono Red with Analytic Commentary (4-0 Prize Constructed)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 05:16 PM PST

    TP Scroll RNG in draft

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Definitely at least a slight problem in draft due to lack of consistent blink daggers. I like the idea of paying extra coins to either cycle the shop or straight out buy town portal scrolls.

    However, in the meantime I have figured out a few techniques that drastically reduce my need for tp scrolls and now there are even times when I pass on them in the shop in favor for cycling through my main item deck. If you have been frustrated by tp scroll RNG maybe these tips will help. They may not, but it's worth testing for a couple games in casual at the very least.

    Keep in mind there are exceptions to these, so if you're already a good player you can probably make judgments for yourself. Having said that:

    1.) For the first two hero deployments (turns 2 and 3) I never put my hero in the last lane, unless the original hero in that lane died. Even then I sometimes just leave that lane empty, although that's riskier and depends on the situation (ex: what color cards do I have in my hand and do I need to be using the mana in all 3 lanes right now). Overcommiting in lane 1 and partially lane 2 is much more forgiving than having heroes stuck in the last lane with no TP. If you're worried about your opponent deploying in lane 3 (assuming no Sitka Khan), well guess what, they just overcommitted to the worst lane and now they may get screwed by TP RNG.

    2.) I never have more than 1 hero in the last lane at any time, unless there is a Sorla.

    3.) I never have more than 2 heroes in any lane unless I know with a high certainty that I can win in the next 2 turns.

    4.) I avoid drafting blue (and to some extent green). Red and black heroes have high attack values and access to red mist pillagers and disciple. This means that when you have 2 heroes in the first lane and they have 0, instead of panicking you're chunking their tower for 20+ damage and threatening ancient.

    5.) This final point will be controversial, but the moment I pick my 2nd hero (assuming they weren't last pick outworld devourer) I stop drafting for value and start drafting for color and strong items. The more color consistency you have, the less you need to splash a color and the less hero movement you need in game. This means less TP scrolls and more items from your item deck, which guess what, are actually useful because you drafted items that aren't shield of basilius (I know someone out there likes this card).

    Well that's it. I'm sure I'll get critique for some controversial opinions, but all critique is welcome. If you're struggling with TP RNG try these things out for a couple games. If it doesn't work, you can rant in the comments and then move on with your life.

    submitted by /u/CandyMonster_
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    Tonights Draft Tourney 7p UTC/2p EST

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 09:52 AM PST

    The Weekenders: Draft Open #5 will start at 7p UTC/2p EST. Best of 1, Call to Arms Draft, Single Elimination. For braggin' rights and special title "Weekender Championship". JOIN HERE>https://www.playartifact.com/tournament/?invitekey=18084166201474207058 For Weekender Champs....The Weekender Grand Championship with a nice prize for the overall Grand Champ(details on it soon)!! Follow us on Discord for special title and future tourney info> https://discord.gg/uSUSJZr SEE YOU SOON!

    submitted by /u/ItWasAGhost
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    Discussion about the pros and cons of revealed deck in constructed and/or draft.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2019 09:12 PM PST

    • There's a lot of cards to keep in mind right now, and it's only going to get bigger as more expansions come out. It's easy to forget some cards that might end up losing you the game(forward charge on a fully blocked lane for example). So revealing the opponent's deck will ease some of that burden for the casual player.

    • Of course, the played cards of the opponent will not be shown, so the player still has to keep track of what the opponent has played, but at least they don't have to memorize all the cards.

    • This could be balanced by reducing the turn timer.

    I can't think of any possible cons, even in draft mode, except the argument that it would make games less interesting? I'm not sure I agree with that.

    What do you guys think? Is this a viable idea? If not, why?

    submitted by /u/cyberdsaiyan
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