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    Friday, January 4, 2019

    Artifact - /u/robomartion made a boxart for Artifact, so I used it to make a box to go with it!

    Artifact - /u/robomartion made a boxart for Artifact, so I used it to make a box to go with it!

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    /u/robomartion made a boxart for Artifact, so I used it to make a box to go with it!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 02:35 PM PST

    [Feedback for Valve] ~60% win rate, 300+ expert draft rounds played (180+ hours) - I was a believer, but now going to put the game on hold for a while.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 05:48 PM PST

    Before I start my rant, notice that I am writing this solely from the DRAFT experience I have with the game. I haven't played a single match of constructed.

    It's quite likely this gets downvoted to hell, but I just wanted to share what I feel. In short, I suppose, disappointment - but sad kind of disappointment. Not entitled or angry kind of disappointment. This just isn't what I wanted. :(

    I was one of the players whom waited for Artifact for a really long time, actually since it was first revealed. The mechanics seemed absolutely awesome, combining old and new. Having played, well, pretty much every physical and digital card game out there since the MTG, I simply couldn't wait.

    In the beginning, the game indeed felt fun. Then I started noticing the things that I couldn't control or plan for. And then the downhill started with the fun.

    The matches in Artifact are longer than in pretty much any other card game, which means that you as a player get more invested in the outcome of a single game. You draft your deck, strategize and play accordingly. You're building up and doing really well. However, no matter how well you think you're doing, RNG can lead to a loss on pretty much any match.

    Emergent gameplay refers to an experience where the player reacts to what's happening on the game, instead of just blindly focusing their own pre-meditated agenda. Artifact certainly has this which forces players to react on ways they didn't initially plan to. Yet the downside lurks here. The further the game is, the more meaningful cards players get to play. This means that an end game card can swing the game completely in anyway. Enter negative emergent gameplay.

    You planned for the card X and Y from your opponent and played smartly. Or so you thought. ...but the RNG throws sticks and stones against you and you'll find yourself screwed, without being able to do anything about it.

    There are so many things that can happen, it eventually leads to a negative emergent gameplay experience, which I think is the main issue with Artifact. The game can screw you over in so many ways and it eventually will. The fun suffers.

    The feeling is negative and it fights against the longer gameplay logic where strategy should eventually matter more. But instead it turns to be a hit/miss -swing most often in the end game. Statistically speaking these don't happen often, but it doesn't matter. Negative experience lasting 20-30 minutes is certainly something that the players will recall for a long time. I remember reading somewhere ages ago that you'd need in average 30 positive experiences of something to "outcome" one negative. No matter what the number is, the game should feel positive.

    I have had losses that were truly awesome games, but those have been extremely rare. Those are the games where players do not get to deny interactions from the other player right away in the end game, but instead there'll be constant back and forth momentum in taking turns on a single lane. Multiple casts, activations, re-targets, passes for waiting/bluffing.

    Those have been even more rare than the ridiculous RNG-rounds, one of which I'll describe here:

    • Opponent gets favourable hero spawns initially
    • With 6x 7 mana and 4x 6 mana cards in the deck, I manage to get 5 of them on my initial hand
    • I had no option to purchase town portal scrolls as there were none available for the 12 turns the game lasted. Opponent naturally manages to intimidate my splash hero to the last lane where I've two heroes now stuck, with no ways of getting them out.
    • ...in the same game, my opponent got a single creep spawning on the same lane three times on the same/near same spot in row with ~10 target locations available, blocking 20+ damage by spawning on top of a hero and getting double curves
    • ...in the same game the five items I got from Secret Shop with Shop Deed (in row) were - 3x 3 gold items and 2x 6 gold items

    It just isn't fun. At the same time the game is quite difficult for any new player to jump in. Maybe too much so. The RNG doesn't help if you truly play terribly, but the ~10% of player base that the game has left from the initial numbers, certainly know what they're doing by now.

    I'll certainly follow what's going on with the game and cannot wait for the mobile release. I just hope Artifact doesn't die completely before that. I really hope the game matures from it's current form. I wouldn't mind seeing major mechanic changes either.

    TL;DR: Artifact has a lot of negative emergent gameplay, which eg. roguelikes (instant kill traps) try to avoid these days. There are so many things the player cannot control, which can turn any game a loss, which considering the length of the matches simply doesn't feel fun or enjoyable. Hopefully the game matures.

    Here are few suggestions on how it might be possible to improve the game. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to see even one of these implemented. You don't need to lynch me if you don't like some of them. :p

    • Add an option for mulligan or "auto-mulligan", which eg. draws two hands (MTG: Arena has this for lands) behind the curtains and gives you the one with the lowest total mana cost
    • Add an option to redraw one card on your hand per turn (Duelyst)
    • 25% arrows aren't fun in the end, lower those to 10-15%
    • Add eg. a taunt mechanic (forces curves)
    • Add eg. a rampage mechanic (ignores curves, attacks straight)
    • Add keywords to creatures in general, focus on those instead of flat values. Armor is nice, but not enough. Few examples: First strike, ranged, splash, more play effects, precision (pick target), poison, trample etc...
    • [DRAFT]: Drop signature card copies to TWO --> way more variance and emergent gameplay
    • Avoid hit/miss-swing cards. Completely denying your opponent from casting is by far the most efficient way of winning games, but at the same time it's damn boring gameplay as there are no interactions going on then.
    • Add talents/perks for heroes, which will allow players to change the signature cards the hero brings with them -> more variance -> less known cards for the opponent -> more positive emergent gameplay (as long as they aren't huge swing-cards, but "good value")

    And few quality of life improvements:

    • Fix the market, selling on market is way too tedious
    • Hasten animations / transitions, eg. add an option that both players have to agree on to speed up those
    • Add stats & public MMR
    submitted by /u/artifex28
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    Please Valve. there is only one person that can stand to Mono Blue! We need him, giveeeeeee ussss ANTI-MAGE!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 01:26 PM PST

    He hates magic as much as we hate mono blue, fuck magic, long live anti-mage!

    For real, please give us Anti-Mage in next expansion.

    submitted by /u/EGDoto
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    When a game in Dota becomes "no stats recorded", all 10 players immediately leave. Yet people wonder why players are leaving Artifact, where every game is "no stats recorded".

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 04:48 AM PST

    The fact that Artifact's stats/profiles are so bare bones is hurting it tremendously. A ranking system as well as past matches, public APIs, skill based matchmaking, visible rank/elo/mmr that goes up and down, these are all things that any decent competitive game should offer from Day 1.

    submitted by /u/wtfffffffff10
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    Outplayed him.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:35 AM PST

    Artibuff: An interview with Hyped

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 10:17 AM PST

    Why lie about global matchmaking? "A random opponent of your skill level" my ass. This game is nothing but Candy Crush.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 04:54 PM PST

    I tried to accept everything what I had to put up with. I waited patiently for the patches, Volvo time is Volvo time. I accepted the weird "ranked" system, and the fact that they does not even display it anywhere. But now I finally see the reason. It's because it DOES FUCKING NOTHING.

    I'm currently at rank 20 with (40 hours played since patch) winning the vast majority of my games, and then, I'm up against a lvl1 opponent. A guy who is literally playing his 2. game of his life, featuring Prellex, CM and J'Muy the useless in his deck. Versus a fully tweaked Tinker Agro.

    Why the hell do I have to stomp the poor guy? How can we even play against each other? There is only one, very sad answer. There is no hidden mmr. There is no ranked system at all. It's just a fluff. A number wich improves after every 2. win.

    I feel like I'm in a mobile game, where all my rewards are a shining explosives and a meaningless counter. This is nothing else but Candy Crush Saga. Except, in Candy Crush, at last my Mum gets a notification that I reached a certain level. In Artifact, not even my friends would know it.

    submitted by /u/Ridelth
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    Haven't seen such a negative community.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 02:27 PM PST

    You know what people do when they want to play a game? They watch youtube videos, twitch streamers, and go on the games subreddit. If this subreddit was all I knew, there is no doubt in my mind I would never purchase this game. Screw the game, if I had to interact with the people from this subreddit playing a physical card game it sounds like a nightmare. You guys sound like the worst of the worst poker players always crying about their "bad beats". "I can't believe he got there on the river! Shit players always get lucky!" "They had a 4% chance! Unbelievable!"

    If /r/poker was like this subreddit, you would have post about how poker is dying. How poker hasn't been as big since like 2006. How we don't get new players. How online poker is dead and there are all these scams.

    Honestly you guys sound like a bunch of whiny fucks. Half the time this goes through my mind

    I've been playing dota forever. So the matchmaking post currently at the top is fucking stupid as fuck. People have been playing since before MMR was a thing. People have been playing since before there were million dollar prize pools. Have you heard of a thing called fun? People play games to have fun. If you need stupid achievements to have fun well that's just mostly sad. And this post will probably be downvoted to oblivion because it doesn't follow the echo chamber but I thought I'd write it anyways so the few who read this and support this type of negative environment know you're screwing over the game you claim to like. Anyways rant over. I'm unsubbing for a while. I didn't even expect any amazing content from this subreddit. Maybe a few posts about crazy comebacks. Videos of unique interactions. Funny drafts. Etc Etc.

    If a game is good, people will play it because the game is good.

    submitted by /u/Moose_o
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    "Top 10 Artifact Features We Need In 2019" by Akshon Esports Artifact

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 03:54 PM PST

    ArtifactCube global hero stats v1.0

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 10:08 AM PST

    DrawTwo.gg got updated, more info in the main page!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 10:07 AM PST

    tinker is kill (what learning artifact is like)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 01:30 PM PST

    An honest-to-goodness post about content: Convoy Payday

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 05:40 AM PST

    I just read the millionth negative post in this subreddit about us having "nothing to show and nothing to say." I'm writing this post in an effort to contradict that.

    I have a YouTube page where I try and showcase a medley of not only draft videos, but interesting constructed lists as well. Here's my latest: a mostly-black Revtel Convoy list. We played it on my stream to an easy perfect run although (spoiler alert) this video doesn't end up quite a solidly. (The VOD is soundless, but enjoy is you like).

    For reference, at one point, I did very well in the circuits of other CCGs, most notably Magic (double digit Pro Tours) and Duelyst (where I won like every other tournament for the first year or so). With Artifact, I qualified for Stan Cifka's $5K event through the open qualifier, so presumably that should illustrate that I have at least a tenuous grasp on this game as well.

    If you're a content creator, I suggest you post your wares. I understand that the subreddit rules limit the amount of self-promotion, but at this point it seems like we need an injection of non-cynical posts.

    submitted by /u/zoochz
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    [Discussion]The 20€ paywall is the first thing to remove in this game.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 08:16 AM PST

    IMO, this paywall hurted and is still hurting this game like nothing else. You can have problems with gameplay or interface, but the way this paywall is combined with the limited tickets and packs earning is just straight up murdering. When i told my friends you had to pay 20€ for an access to an online card game and then you had to pay to get the cards, most of them laughed or "oofed", i didn't even talk about the tickets system. Well, when all the big hits of the genre have no paywall, you can't realistically expect this game to be a success.

    It's not even the whole problem : in today's standards when you pay 20€ for a game you expect a whole and finished game, maybe not polished at 100% in the beginning, but you expect it to be polished soon after the game launch. Well, Artifact was the worst game you could ever buy for 20€ compared to other games : no chat, no progression, cam problems, long timers to play, closed beta, no cosmetics, no ladder, paywall for ranked, etc. They fixed some of this recently and if the game was F2P i wouldn't have say anything, but there it is : it's 20€ and it's a fucking shame. It's a fucking shame that Valve made you pay for this product, the list of problems is just too long for 20€.

    Most of people doesn't mind if a game is lacking, as long as it's F2P, they could even buy some cosmetics if they like the game. So i really hope Valve will get ride of the paywall ASAP. Sorry for my bad english.

    submitted by /u/Tayme-kappa
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    I wish mtga had artifact's monetization!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 03:12 PM PST

    Could be titled "I think the monetization scheme isn't that bad" to try to stay more on the topic of artifact, but I'm trying to fairly state my bias/opinion: an outsider looking in, a potential future artifact player.

    For background, I've played hearthstone, shadowverse, and netrunner as my past card games, and have currently settled on mtga. Of course with artifact coming out hyped as a heartstone/magic slayer, I've been very interested it, and have lurked on this sub, and watched lots of game play on twitch.

    This may come as a suprise, but I want to see artifact flourish and succeed! 1) if it gets good enough and big enough that I make it my main card game, that's a win/win for valve and myself. 2) if it gets big enough, other card games I play might have to get less stingy/lazy to keep up.

    With that out of the way, here is my main point: despite all the complaints of the monetization, the grass isn't greener on the other side. In mtga, you get, for "free" (money wise, not hour wise ), maybe half to one competitive deck during a quarterly set cycle. Which is nice, sure. But now I'm looking at other fun decks I'd like to try, and quite a few jank ones as well! Most of these I need 15-20 rare cards for. In MTGA, this means I need 15-20 rare wildcards. As I only get one per every 6 packs bought, that means I need to buy 90 packs, maybe 60 if I get lucky (unlikely) and happen to open lots of the cards I'm interested in. So for each deck I want to try, that costs $60! I look jealously over to artifact (or mtgo, for the jank ones, but I'm not going to get into that client), where I could make a meta deck for maybe half that, and jank decks for a few bucks! I'm willing to spend maybe $60 a year on my card game, as that feels fair to me, like buying a $60 AAA game update/sequel/expansion once a year. I bet many people are in my shoes (like the millions who buy $60 AAA games regularly).

    As someone who has this money to spend, but not 5 hours a day to grind, the artifact monetization style is a huge draw, not a turnoff. If anything gets me to finally pull the trigger on artifact, it will be me getting fed up with spending money into a black hole that gives no cards back on, and switching to where I can buy full decks for relatively cheaper!

    I'd say the best pricing structure would be netrunner's, the LCG style where you pay $60 a year and get every card, but I'm sure the marketing teams did research and found that it wouldn't make as much money, oh well. I suppose pure FTP get more raw player #s, but companies are only interested in the bottom line, anyway. So I'm not claiming I know of a easy fix to instantly make artifact huge. But for lots of people like me, the monetization is a pro, not a con!

    submitted by /u/VulpixeI
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    We need cosmetic skins for the arrows as leveling reward

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:52 AM PST

    Everybody loves arrows. You know you want it.

    Obviously it should affect your side of the field so when both enemy heroes curve into your melee creep your shiny arrows point at the poor guy.

    submitted by /u/NeilaTheSecond
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    Looking for tips on beating RG Ramp

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Hey Guys, I've been playing constructed with a BR Econ deck and have been doing quite well. Beating monoblue is practically formulaic and is my favorite matchup. I occasionally go against other XU decks which aren't tough and Monored is kind of a toss-up, but generally a fun match to play. My absolute kryptonite is Red-Green Ramp. Whether they're ramping up to ToT a whole 2 turns before me or they're ramping to Emissary.

    It feels to me like I'm playing against them incorrectly. I have Improvement removal as well as Slay for creeps, but it never feels like I have them in the right place at the right time. Is there a general macro-strategy against them as there is with monoblue (commit to each lane equally)? Would definitely appreciate some tips.

    Edit: My deck https://www.playartifact.com/d/ADCJYsLJLkCQ48JFmy7AiMBhAGhASgBgQEDDx8EDWEBkEYaeAFHSFJlZCAvIEJsYWNr

    submitted by /u/Xonal
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    400 viewers on twitch, less than 1000 users active active on this sub most of the time, can artifact recover?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Serious question, can the game recover and what do you guys personally think valve needs to change?

    submitted by /u/SpecialistPeak1
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    VERY new to artifact and looking for helpful guides.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 03:16 PM PST

    I'm new to artifact and card games in general. All I know is that there are Aggro, midrange, and control type of decks and that certain colors are good for particular deck types in artifact. I've tried to google a lot of different information on how to play artifact but can't really find anything extensive/informative. And advice on a good website to check out?

    submitted by /u/k9Chicken
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    Can we please have an Auto-Pass option?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:57 PM PST

    Valve, can we please have an Auto-Pass option (so that the turn passes automatically if there is no possible card or item we can play)?

    submitted by /u/Michelle_Wong
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    Go on devs, give us plebs a bone

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 05:06 PM PST

    The Artifact Challenge #1 - "Just the Worst"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 03:44 PM PST

    When/Why/How to use Jasper Daggers effectively.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:12 AM PST

    I keep hearing/seeing that Jasper Daggers are now almost a must run on any deck.... but why? My thought is that you should only use them when a hero gets stunned/silenced/bountied? I buy it and usually never use it so I feel sometimes like its useless. Other then when I am like I NEED THAT +2 Attack... I don't use unless my hero is under some effect. No? Yes? Someone please explain more?


    submitted by /u/Madjinn
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    Telegram Bot Release!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 12:51 PM PST

    Hey all! Around a week ago I had deployed a bit on telegram for artifact players!

    Currently, you can mention the bot and search for any card, to quickly post in chat with image. (All card info is stored but not shown in text at the time)

    The bot can be found at @artifacttcg_bot (inline bot)

    Would love to know what you guys think, if found useful for telegram users, and if there are any feature requests that you guys might have!

    The source is also available on my GitHub @Direcious.


    submitted by /u/Direcious
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