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    Tuesday, January 15, 2019

    Artifact - The 8th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Artifact - The 8th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    The 8th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Ready the questions! Feel free to ask anything (no matter how seemingly moronic).

    When the first hit strikes wtih desolator, the hit stirkes as if the - armor debuff had already been placed?

    There's no desolator in this game yet.

    submitted by /u/VRCbot
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    WePlay! Artifact Mighty Triad: Agility - Day One

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:22 AM PST

    WePlay! Artifact Mighty Triad: Agility - Day One


    Liquidpedia | Decklists - Courtesy of Jazz | Official Announcement


    • Two-deck format - Conquest [They must win with each deck.]
    • 18 invited players

    • 14 qualified players

    • 8 Groups

      • Top 2 players from each group moves to Playoffs
    • Matches are BO3

    • Single elimination Playoffs


    • SUNSfan (Shannon Scotten)

    • RobAJG (Roberto Gonzales)

    • SirActionSlacks (Jake Kanner)

    • ImpetuousPanda (David Nolskog)

    • CHARM3R (Darick Oswalt)


    Group 1 2 3 4
    A Petrify MyGoodMate_ Rename Gela
    B Hoej Mogwai Naiman TenShi
    C LifeCoach Real_man DrHippi swim
    D Hyped Shana dpmlicious Berry
    E Xixo Teddy Lumi Stormlike-
    F MieGod Mugibaby MrYagut Soey
    G SuperJJ f1asco StrifeCro AndyWand

    Today's Schedule

    ID Player vs Player Result (CET) PST EST GMT SGT AEDT
    A1 Petrify vs MyGoodMate 0-2 14:00 5:00 8:00 13:00 21:00 24:00
    A2 OMG.Rename vs Gela 1-2 15:00 6:00 9:00 14:00 22:00 01:00
    AW MyGoodMate vs Gela 2-1 16:00 7:00 10:00 15:00 23:00 02:00
    AL Petrify vs OMG.Rename 2-0 17:00 8:00 11:00 16:00 24:00 03:00
    AQ Gela vs Petrify 1:2 18:00 9:00 12:00 17:00 01:00 04:00
    B1 Hoej vs Mogwai 19:00 10:00 13:00 18:00 02:00 05:00
    B2 Naiman vs Miranda 20:00 11:00 14:00 19:00 03:00 06:00
    BW B1 vs B2 21:00 12:00 15:00 20:00 04:00 07:00
    BL B1 vs B2 22:00 13:00 16:00 21:00 05:00 08:00
    BQ BW vs BL 23:00 14:00 17:00 22:00 06:00 09:00
    submitted by /u/Aghanims
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    Sunsfan and Slacks are doing a great job at weplay

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 10:22 AM PST

    Just a shout out to say their casting is fantastic, they're managing to be very informative and explain what every card does whilst being really funny and entertaining at the same time. I'm really enjoying the cast so far I think they've got it just right making the games great fun to watch.

    submitted by /u/fatcain
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    Artifact mods are not enforcing any consistent standard and are just unilaterally content they don't like while allowing content they like to stay

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:24 AM PST

    The mods here delete posts on a whim, and they use one of two rules as excuses:

    1) No Reposts / Duplicate content

    2) No Shitposts

    However these rules are enforced completely arbitrarily, and they essentially just allow posts they like to stay while they delete posts they don't like.

    Here are examples as evidence:

    The repost rule

    This post with suggestions of how to improve the game was deleted: https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/aftvub/50_player_drop_since_beginning_of_january_what/

    However every day the front page has "after playing 1 billion games of artifact, here are my suggestions of how to fix it" posts that the mods leave up like https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/ag43hb/a_deeper_look_at_artifacts_problems_and_possible/



    Wow, this guy thinks Annihilation and Time of Triumph are overpowered and should be changed, what novel content. Never seen THAT before.

    We all know the real reason the first post was banned: it mentioned player numbers and mods want to cover up all mention of Artifact's player count.

    Here's an article that was just top of the front page and was swiftly deleted: https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/ag7w6h/valves_artifact_hits_new_player_low_loses_97/

    This is a brand-new article, never posted on the sub before, with brand new analysis. I've never seen any posts calculating he total player loss of 97% since launch. But still, it was deleted.

    The shitpost rule

    Here's a meme that was deleted by mods: https://i.redd.it/0bcb3vfpqt921.png

    There's a meme that mods allowed to stay: https://i.redd.it/okiehnjmtg521.png

    Mods said the first one is "low effort" even though the author added a timer and santa hats to the pictures. The second image is literally just stock images of Meepo that are partially blurred out, but somehow that's not "low effort"

    This is also somehow not "low effort" https://i.redd.it/utjfellkj0921.png

    The real reason the first one was deleted is because it can be construed as negative towards the recent patch. On /r/artifact, the only thing you're allowed to complain about is other people who are complaining.

    Here's some more real high quality content that the mods think is fine:


    This guy's says in three sentences that he thinks Artifact requires skill. Wow, what fucking mindblowing content. Never seen that before. He really must have spent a lot of time on that post.


    This guy says he thinks Artifact is intense, and sometimes he's unsure if he wants to play another game afterwards. SO NOVEL, NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE. Somehow:

    "You just won a close and intense game.

    You look at the screen and ask yourself: "Am I ready for another one?"

    Sometimes this game is so intense, I love it!"

    Is not a shitpost.

    The real rules of /r/Artifact

    Here are the actual rules of this subreddit.

    1) No mentioning player count decreasing. Any mention will be swiftly deleted.

    2) Nothing with a negative tone. If the tone is negative, then it's a shitpost. If it's positive, then post whatever you like.

    3) Don't post anything the mods don't like, because the rules are so vague that they have complete carte blanche to delete whatever they want.

    The funny part is that this sub is already so low traffic that the mods will completely kill it with their draconian and arbitrary deletion policy.

    edit: Title is supposed to say "unilaterally deleting"

    submitted by /u/hororo
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    All online gambling is now illegal in the USA

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 12:05 PM PST

    Results of the Day 1 of WePlay Artifact Mighty Triad: Agility tournament!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:46 PM PST

    The Group Stages of Artifact MT: Agility tournament for the Groups A and B are over! We know 4 participants who advanced to the playoffs! Our congrats to:

    Schedule of the Day 2 - January 16th

    Group C

    Time (CET) Player 1 Player 2
    14:00 LifeCoach (Deck 1, Deck 2) Real_MAN (Deck 1, Deck 2)
    15:00 DrHippi (Deck 1, Deck 2) Swim (Deck 1, Deck 2)

    Group D

    Time (CET) Player 1 Player 2
    19:00 StanCifka (Deck 1, Deck 2) VinKelsier (Deck 1, Deck 2)
    20:00 Baize (Deck 1, Deck 2) MaggoGx (Deck 1, Deck 2)
    submitted by /u/WePlay_esports
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    /dafg/ - 4chan Artifact General - What happened there will also happen here unless...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 01:01 PM PST

    I know most people don't visit 4chan anymore, it used to be a popular website like 10 years ago, but over the years it start to attract weirder and weirder people, mostly due to the lack of moderation it has, while reddit grew a lot and became mainstream.

    Dota 2 was always popular on 4chan, it is one of the most active generals in the /vg/ community, I personally have been on d2g for years, played inhouses, etc. Artifact, being a dota 2 related game, was pretty hyped up in 4chan and had a general going even before the game released (this never happens).

    So what happened to the Artifact general and why is it relevant here? To put simply, it got overrun with people that were outrageous about the game not being free to play, those people, the "doomposters", then took control of the general, every post about the game gets mocked and every post about the game being dead got praised, they were so angry that the game wasn't free to play that they decided to shitpost and ruin the community out of spite. Now this is pretty normal in 4chan, tbh, anyone that still visits knows the social capital there isn't the greatest. Right now all the posts in that general are either doomposts, reddit copy pastas and the brap meme (google it if u care).

    Now why does it matters to this subreddit? You may ask. Well, those same doomposters are the same people that come here and keep posting "dead game" and "look at the player count", and they have been doing this from the game launch. When you open any popular thread the same people always have the highest upvotes, and it's 90% of the time a "dead gaem" comment. Some of them try to be more be more eloquent like u/Yelenee , some of them are just basicly the same posts you get in the 4chan general. It's all the same agenda in the end: "We're upset that the game isn't free. We will shut down every discussion thread, and we will circle jerk our "dead gaem" posts and threads until either everyone leaves the subreddit and there's only us left or until the game is free to play."

    This is exacly what happened there and it's the same thing they've been doing here. 4chan being a much smaller community got overrun pretty quickly. Reddit having much more people it's much harder for them, but they'll keep doing it. No one comes to reddit to argue with these people, because frankly, most of us have our lives to take care, so eventually what happens is that normal people will get tired of seen the same doomposts over and over and simply will stop posting. So unless the mod team steps up and starts to perma ban the accounts pushing this agenda what happened there will happen here: Everyone who plays the game and wants to post about the game will be shut down with downvotes and only doomposts will be upvoted until there's no more discussion at all (we already see a lot of this going on).

    Now don't get me wrong, the game has it flaws, but letting these people doompost freely will be a sure way that we never actually discuss the game's problems and talk solutions.

    If there's something we learn over the years is that pretending problems don't exist won't make them go away and pretending these people are not here running their agenda is insane you can see it by how much they've spammed their dead game and other memes in the WePlay tournament stream.

    Ps: On a funny note they seem to hate Petrify: https://imgur.com/a/fGWUe2Y

    TL;DR: Doomposters killed the artifact 4chan general and they will kill this subreddit unless the mods start banning them permanently, IMO. The strategy of pretending they don't exist and that they would give up at any point won't work.

    Edit: Thread explained in a pic https://imgur.com/a/HFQzU3q

    submitted by /u/fixingartifact
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    Why is one of the WePlay tournament casters being intentionally annoying?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 08:13 AM PST

    Fairly new to this game and the competitive community, and I'm totally understanding that some personalities simply may not be to my taste...

    But why is one of these casters always trying to be irritating? Mispronouncing words, speaking in a shrill manner and ignoring analysis in favor of being loud and boorish. It feels entirely intentional, so perhaps I'm missing out on something?

    Perhaps I'm just overly sensitive to loud personas, but I find it really distracts from my experience. Is this an ongoing thing in the tournament scene that I'm simply unaware of?

    submitted by /u/LOMAN-
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    Slacks makes a birthday wish

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 11:07 AM PST

    $15,000 WePlay Artifact Tournament is starting NOW

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 04:41 AM PST

    When u and the boys roll into the club

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:49 AM PST

    A Mr. Page Deck Tech: Petrify's UB Aggro

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 03:54 PM PST

    How to counter R/G ramp?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 04:27 PM PST

    What is an effective deck to play for RG ramp match ups? How do you pay around it?

    submitted by /u/4headEleGiggle
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    Timers, Instant Loss, and the Gift & Curse of Complexity

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 09:12 PM PST

    I've played quite a bit of Artifact (approaching 70 hours), doing prize phantom draft almost exclusively. I'm hovering right around 50% win rate overall, with several perfect runs under my belt. I also don't consider myself to be a slow thinker. I have had no problems in other card games, and I work in a field that requires thinking on your feet.

    For draft, timers need to be longer -- period. I understand that the initial timer design left many feeling like games were too long, or too sluggish. I never felt this way, but I'm all for a new approach - as long at it replaces the current system.

    This game is complex by its nature. On top of this, my draft decks are not tuned around some strategy that I am able to practice over and over. The format requires improvisation, resourcefulness -- and I like that. Add to this that the game has no hand size limit, and three lanes to keep track of, with many draft decks running multiple colors and I just don't have enough time to think through turns, especially past the mid point of the game.

    Aside from the fact that I just don't have enough time, the current system including instant-loss and poorly designed warnings is a problem. Losing a match to the timer is unbelievable frustrating.

    submitted by /u/gateless
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    RobAJG, Slacks, and SUNSfan having fun during the Artifact stream

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 12:47 PM PST

    My boy Mogway (save initiative boys)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:29 PM PST

    Not all lanes are created equally. And that's good?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 03:47 AM PST

    I think the 3 lanes design is a brilliant concept. They behave similar but have very different key elements that completely change how the lanes impact play. They usually decrease in importance as the number grows: First lanes allow you to close a match before the adversary has the chance to win a later lane, first lanes allow you to cast improvements that trigger on the same turn, or cast across-lane spells that remove enemies before they have a chance to react. And fighting for later lanes forces you to not do anything in previous lanes if you want to keep initiative.

    So in general, almost always the third lane is the least contested / important. For instance, going for an ancient win is generally not advisable on later lanes, but is much more likely to happen on the first lane.

    Notable exceptions for third lane focusing are econ decks with mercenary cards and gold multiplying effects that want to be played after everything else has had a chance to die. And decks with heroes whose passives trigger in every lane and where you want to make sure they stay alive (Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger). [Even if, in my experience, the correct way to protect your heroes is not to put them on a later lane, but to pay attention to creep and hero deployments / positioning].

    So, a small incentive in very particular decks for a lane with such big disadvantages.

    So my question is, how could the game make the third lane a little more powerful? And does the game need it or is it healthy and good that this powerful asymmetry exists?

    I don't have a definitive answer to this but one idea I had was: what if the third lane could give you the chance to win initiative back?

    Not sure how this could work but I like that it could be a comeback mechanic versus adversaries with powerful first lanes.

    Thoughts on this? I love this game and its design (:

    submitted by /u/davip
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    Another Multicolor Ideas

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 09:26 PM PST

    Regarding the new meta/expansion and the heavily discussed multicolor cards, ehere are some ideas:

    - A improvement that lets you play that improvement color cards as long a hero of any color is in that lane

    - A Item that you put on a hero that let's you play any card in that lane

    - A hero that let's you play any card (just like above, but a weak hero)

    I see a few problems, ehehehe. Playing beefy heroes with a almost mono blue deck. Anyway this is my two cents on the matter.

    submitted by /u/miguelmagalhaes
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    ARTIFACT - Funny & WTF Moments - EP.13

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 09:47 AM PST

    Artifact Lore: Call to Arms summarized with in game voice lines.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 12:56 PM PST

    WePlay tournament: List of not mentioned or recognized mistakes.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 05:54 AM PST

    WePlay 2 is underway and the 1st game already has a huge mistake, by the Player Petrify in Game 2 vs. MyGoodMate:

    He missed to equip Phase-Boots to swap and lethal tower 1 to win the game.

    Lets collect the missplays, that are not mentioned by the casters, so people can learn from that (in case they watch the vids later).

    Please by aware, that i dont want to rant about the players, sometimes is just nervousness. In case of Petrify you literally see, how he was gettin more and more frustrated throughout the game and that might cause the mistake. So please dont rant as well.

    Edit: As i obvisiously missed SirSlacks recognition, we might change this post to "good and bad plays you recognize" (or delete it). I iike the bait of Gela in Game 3 vs rename btw.

    submitted by /u/Shrpy
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    Post-Patch Pacing is ... :(

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 08:23 AM PST

    162 hours. I really love(d) Artifact. To me it was the most tactically engrossing CCG/TCG on the market. This was its greatest attribute - every single move mattered. Every single play, bluff, non-play: mattered. You had to think ahead consistently, you had to plan each and every action including non-actions. The pace was perfect because it was what made Artifact unique. Its understandable that some people did not enjoy the pace, but so what? That wasn't what Artifact was. It wasn't trying to be every other digital or paper card game - it wasn't going for a gameplay model built on quick but deliberate decision making.

    I loved the pace pre-patch. It was what brought me back to Artifact time and again over the past few weeks. A deep and involved battle of thought in the midst of moving, even evolving circumstances between myself and my opponent was the very thing that made Artifact, Artifact. So what that a single match could run 20-30 minutes? It made that single match feel all the more full and worthwhile. Win or lose it almost always felt like climbing a small mountain built of strategy and tactics. And that by itself always felt rewarding give or take a few games here or there.

    Move after move - reflecting on the possibilities in front and ahead of me, prior to making my move was just the best. It was a love-affair of sorts for me. Of course i did this 'reflecting on my moves' ahead of each move, but the variables changed with each instance; so, often the game asked me to reconsider or just re-check my thought.

    But now much of that has been replaced with a fight against time. Each game since patch I find myself fighting the timer. The game has become full of moments that i have to senselessly rush rather than deliberately consider, leading to misplays, frustration, and an overall lack of the enjoyment as a result. At least for myself.

    I came to Artifact in large part because of its pace. And now... (shrugs) i understand the change - but, i don't believe it was the change the core community really cared much about either way, and I believe that probably it was an unwelcome change for many of its core supporters. Fringe supported IDK. And I understand that Valve is trying to bring back, or bring in, the fringes - they want the concurrent player count higher than 2-4k surely; so i understand. But i don't think this was the right move by any means because it took away something special about Artifact - whether you liked it or not, the game asked you to slow down and just enjoy the core pace, the complexity of each instance, the thinking your way through each turn, the playing a game with a calm and relaxed, but attentive and engaged mind.

    So IDK. This is all just a personal reflection. I just dont enjoy the game right now. Which is ok. I am not complaining. I still hope the game succeeds because it deserves to IMO.


    here's the thing.

    for players playing at a faster pace - the old system didn't oppress them. they just played their way and had to respect their opponents pace of play. that was it. that was the only "issue". everyone was on equal ground relative to the moves they were making.

    the new system oppresses players who take their time. it doesn't merely ask them to respect their opponents pace of play - it literally forces their own pace of play to be as like the faster players' as possible. it causes many of these types of players to make moves at a pace that does not work for them resulting in rushed misplays. the game is no longer on equal ground relative to the moves that the two players are making.

    submitted by /u/JaDesJ
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    Already love this community...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 09:23 PM PST

    Picked the game up a couple of days ago and I'm terrible. I keep diving back in and losing... until someone showed me mercy and surrendered right before the final finishing blow on my second tower. A simple message of "welcome to artifact boi." Lol thanks stranger!

    submitted by /u/MisterS42
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    You know the feeling?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 12:57 AM PST

    You just won a close and intense game.

    You look at the screen and ask yourself: "Am I ready for another one?"

    Sometimes this game is so intense, I love it!

    submitted by /u/aazi1
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    Artifact Card/Deck-Pricing Trackers?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 08:30 PM PST

    Is anyone aware of any tools which can scrape data from the steam market and keep track of the price of sets of items (such as collections of Artifact cards [i.e., decks])? I'd benefit from such a tool personally, and I also imagine that it could help new players decide which decks to build and help all players obtain a more detailed understanding of how and why card/deck prices change.

    submitted by /u/Applesnacks10
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    On Linux game crashes on third startup after fresh install [includes a fix]

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 07:56 AM PST

    Apparently shaders.cache corrupts and after that the game won't launch at all.

    Running rm ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Artifact/game/dcg/shadercache/vulkan/shaders.cache before launching the game fixes the issue for me.

    Weird thing is that the game launches initially just fine. On the 2nd startup it changes my resolution from 2560x1440 to 1920x1080. And on the 3rd it won't launch at all (error.log shows different errors on different installs std::bad_alloc for tens of gbs or std::bad_array_new_length)

    submitted by /u/truini
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    Didn't he make some dramatized "I'm Quitting" post?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 02:17 PM PST

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