• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 24, 2019

    Artifact - i understand its Valve but...

    Artifact - i understand its Valve but...

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    i understand its Valve but...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:02 PM PST

    We are reaching a point where the lack of communication is hurting the community. We are at 1,268 current - which is fine; i actually believe in this game long term. i do. i am one of the wholehearted "the core mechanics in Artifact are soo good, so intense and full of tactics and competitive challenge that its potential as a competitive TCG/CCG is actually unparalleled" proponents.

    But. It's been over a month since Valve gave us our first and only truly major update. And if we were all just chillin with our 5-10k concurrent, then great; who cares, it's valve - we can just chill and wait till the next major update. But right now, the game -needs- some real news. Anything really, almost; as long as it hits something of the realities that the game is struggling with. (All of which are IMHO overstated here on this subreddit but all of which are affecting the community pretty thoroughly, like it or not.)

    The longer Valve takes to push a major update while remaining entirely silent ... the more at risk the game becomes of just losing the moment so thoroughly so as to become a total afterthought in the social consciousness of gamers.

    I am in it for as long as Valve is in it personally because I love the game. Genuinely. But. We do need something. If its not an update, at least some kind of acknowledgment. Geesh. :)

    submitted by /u/JaDesJ
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    what happened to all the people pre-release supporting valve's anti-ladder stance and nonsense about how artifact was supposed to simulate kitchen table MtG with friends?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 04:31 PM PST

    pre-release anyone who suggested the game should have a ladder was downvoted and ridiculed. from all appearances the audience valve intended the game to cater to did exist. where are they now? looks like the only people who actually stuck with the game are the ones who wanted a ladder.

    submitted by /u/1pancakess
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    Artifact Meet Up in Sydney, Australia

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:02 PM PST

    A group of us from Sydney, Australia are planning to meet up for Artifact online team tournaments in the CBD (or close to a train station), and also to chat about the state of the game, whilst over beers, champaigne, and some good old laughs etc. If you would like to join, you are most welcome and encouraged - just send me a PM. (You must be 18+ and have a laptop coz we're heading off to a local pub).

    This game is actually fantastic and we thought it would be nice to share our enjoyment of the game as a small community.

    submitted by /u/Michelle_Wong
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    Youre at the club and this draft walks in and slaps ur ass. What do you do?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Allow Tournaments to be Set as Public/Visible in the Client (Without Joining)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Why do I have to dig around a million non-Steam/Valve websites to find tournaments, when there is a tournament lobby right there in the client?

    Allow tournament organizers to set a tournament as public/visible in the client.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/dsnvwlmnt
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    Its Thursday again mah dudes. Its time to get hyped for potential update in 8-10 hours.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:19 AM PST

    All aboard the hype train!!!

    submitted by /u/AsiiuPs
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    If you played every weekly quest since 1.2 came out, this week is the last rewards you get from the progression system

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 02:00 PM PST

    The spike to 2.5k players today/yesterday probably happened because of that, many people wanted to get some free steam money, but now there's no more weekly steam cents for anyone, so what'll happen next for the game?

    submitted by /u/Candus1
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    my two cents...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:48 AM PST

    ...went to valve for selling 3 cent cards for 1 cent.

    Seriously the 200% transaction fee is fucked up when most of the card pool is at the steam minimum. We were supposed to be able to trade in X deck for Y deck with only a 15% loss.

    submitted by /u/S2MacroHard
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    RedMist.gg ~ Stats now available on Firefox

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:44 PM PST

    Hi there,

    2 days ago we released a Chrome extension that allows you to get your Artifact match history and other personal stats (detailed here).

    A few of you asked to have the same but for Firefox, so here it is! The extension can be downloaded on Mozilla's official add-on store: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/redmist-artifact-stats-tracker/

    It works exactly the same as for the Chrome extension, just press the extension icon and we'll fetch stats for you.

    Additionally, for those using the Chrome extension and having issues, the bug fixes are now live. You just need to make sure you have the latest version (1.0.7). It should be automatically updated by Chrome, but if it's not the case you can always remove it and re-install it.

    Finally, we received a good amount of feedback about how to improve the pages we have about global stats and user rankings, and we're very thankful for that. We're working on adding a lot more statistics and we wanted to know if you had suggestions on what we could show; given that we can only get hero line-ups (not the rest of the cards in the decks). We already have a bunch of cool ideas and we hope we can have them online in a couple of weeks!

    submitted by /u/RedMist_Max
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    Valve ?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 04:14 PM PST

    Archetypes of how your draft deck will win

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 07:39 PM PST

    I'm a pretty good drafter, and I want to share something I've been thinking about. In many games, we usually try to categorize strategies into aggro, midrange, and control. But I think there's a way better way to think about draft decks.

    Aggro, Midrange, and Control

    To think about aggro, midrange, and control, you have to realize that cards have different values at different points in the game. Like, compare Untested Grunt to Thunderhide Pack. If you played a deck of all Untested Grunts against a deck of all Thunderhide Packs, the Untested Grunts would win 100% of the time. But this doesn't mean that Untested Grunt is a strictly better card than Thunderhide Pack - it's just that Grunt is better early while Pack is better late. The deck of Grunts that wins before the opponent can play their cards is Aggro.

    If you were playing the aggro-v-aggro matchup of Untested Grunts v. Untested Grunts, the player who teched a few Thunderhide Packs into their deck would probably win the game, because they could trade off Grunts until mana 8 and then start playing Packs. This is Midrange.

    Eventually the Midrange players start adding more and more Packs to their deck to beat the other midrange players, until they can no longer aggro down the all-Thunderhide-Pack deck, and all Packs becomes a viable option again because it outvalues Midrange. That's classic Control.

    Aggro tries to fill their decks with cards that are best early, while control tries to fill their decks with cards that are good late (along with some cards that give them a chance against aggro). Midrange decks often mean those that try to play some of everything, so that they have pretty good plays at every point in the game, but they can also refer to decks whose cards all best at some intermediate point between early and late game.

    How does this matter to draft? Well, if you're trying to make a deck that wins, it might seem like you're trying to draft one of these archetypes. "After all," you might think, "I'm a pro Hearthstone player and I know that the game is played on a curve. If I want to draft control, I need more top-end and defensive early plays, while if I want to draft aggro, I just want efficient early stats."

    Why that's not what you should be thinking about

    But if you've tried this (I sure did), you might have noticed that it's not working right. Your aggro deck struggles to close games early, and doesn't feel like it's overpowering enemy decks early the way you thought it would. Your deck that you thought was going to be a control deck with lots of defensive tools turns out to win all its games by going all-in on one lane while using those defensive tools elsewhere! Oops.

    Or worse, you feel like all your decks are just piles of decent 4-drops with no cohesive gameplan whatsoever. Double oops.

    Your problem is that "aggro" or "control" are not useful enough guidelines for how to draft. You need a more fine-grained understanding of how your deck is going to win the game.

    Here are some ways decks win, arranged on a very loose scale of aggressiveness:

    Go wide, get creeps to punch the tower: Classic strategy for green/blue, but can be done in a variety of colors. When you realize your deck is trying to win by going wide, you should pick more creeps, more creep buffs, and more ways to temporarily prevent an enemy from casting spells. You should put less emphasis on buffing your heroes, killing enemy heroes, or generating gold.

    This way of winning work early or late, through towers or through ancient, but pretty much the same cards are good in it. Just think about how you can put lots of creep damage into the enemy tower before you lose your own. Don't worry, nobody has Annihilation in draft anyhow.

    Punch the tower with your big beefy fists: Did you know Sorla Khan hits towers for 12? That's a lot! Just slay the creep in front of her, or pick off the hero, or generate gold for Nyctasha's Guard, it's all the same, what matters is punching that tower. Also works with Debbie, Legion Commander, Bristleback... you get the idea. Good with removal for creeps, removal for heroes (which synergizes with gold generation), buffing attack, a little bit of siege or direct damage.

    Note that you if you're trying to win in two lanes, you can kill each lane a different way. So if you have Sorla and Kanna in the same deck, you can do something clever: have a mixture of go-wide and tower-punch cards in the same deck, and play the go-wide cards in the lane with Kanna, while playing the tower-punch cards in the lane with Sorla. This will work better than playing the cards at random.

    Cheat on tempo: Sometimes you just play a turn 3 Thunderhide Pack and that wins you the game. If that sounds good to you, try to draft in a way that makes it happen. There are some other similar niche strategies like chaining multiple paydays that can give you an unusual way of gaining an advantage. We might summarize these "cheating" decks as using some method to get a big on-board advantage in the middle turns, then trying to close out the game using that advantage. Often you have to draft and build to try and give yourself outs to making this combo happen, while also making the deck play like a "normal" deck (see 2 spaces below) if you don't draw the right pieces.

    Kill all their heroes over and over and eventually win: This is what most people end up with when trying to draft aggro, but remember, you don't win the game just because you can kill heroes. You need some way to eventually transition into winning the game. Often this means the 4/2 Oglodiodiodis, because if they're all dead they can't stop the red mist. Basically this is a midrange deck that places heavy emphasis on disrupting the enemy by making them unable to play cards, and sets aside fewer cards for actually winning the game - hopefully once they're all dead you can piece together some way to win.

    Just take all the cards a twelve-year-old would think are "cool." You can end up getting cut on cards for this archetype, though - see above points about coolness and what people think is aggro.

    Come by your tempo honestly: This is what most people end up with then trying to draft midrange, but it can have the longest games of any gameplan. This is because this is a deck full of good, high-value cards that will help you win the board, but might not be great at punching their tower. If the game is close, the winning player is going to just have to slowly strangle their opponent. This is that deck with 17 four-drops. Improvements that generate incremental value, like Steam Cannon or Messenger Rookery, can shine in these decks, as can splashes for powerful 1-of cards like Time of Triumph.

    This isn't to say that you can't win quickly if your opponent lets you have the board. It's just that this strategy is fundamentally about winning the board first, and generating value from that, with punching towers as a side-effect. Pretty easy to draft (just pick "the good cards"), but can require good Artifact fundamentals to extract every last drop of value.

    Kill all their heroes on specifically mana 6/7/8: This is the blue (or knockoff blue, looking at you Lich) answer to the people who just want to kill things. You draft Zeuses and Lunas and so on, you spend the early turns trying not to lose and drawing cards, and then on mana 6/7/8 you kill them over and over and while they're dead you punch the tower. 10/10, tons of fun, except sometimes you don't get the cards and then you have to make the deck win some other way.

    I've put this in the most controlling spot, at the end of the post, because of its resemblance to mono-blue control's playstyle. But it doesn't really have longer games or longer mirror matches. In fact, I mentioned that you can win with one sort of "aggro" in one lane and another sort of "aggro" in another - well, you can also win with a faster strategy in one lane, then use cross-lane cards (or hero mobility) to either generate value and win with a grindy strategy in the second lane, or close with this sort of "burst of tempo" strategy.

    Putting it Together

    Thinking about how your deck wins isn't exactly like having a fixed archetype you want to fit your deck into, but it can help you evaluate which cards are going to help your deck win the best.

    Things get more complex because you can win with one method in one lane but another method in another lane. You might think that with such a mishmash of strategies, requiring a diverse set of cards, there's not much point to planning ahead, and you should just draft good cards and play well in-game. But that's quitter talk. By planning ahead during drafting, you can identify what gameplans you want your deck to support best, and try to make them happen. How you want to win the game is going to drastically change the value of a card like Slay or Friendly Fire. If you think you can win one lane quickly, that changes how you should value mobility and cross-lane plays.

    Most importantly, I think that drafting while thinking about this stuff is just more fun than not.

    submitted by /u/Charlie___
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    I'm genuinely curious. Why did a lot of people leave Artifact?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 09:10 AM PST

    To start off, I'm usually someone that never pre-order anything and I never buy anything on its release date. So thats what I exactly did with Artifact, I didn't buy the game and waited to see how things go. And well, the release seemed a bit messy but the game play looked quite promising. It also had a quite a sizable player base.

    But after some time, the player base started to drop. Why? What made them to stop playing?

    I see a lot of post stating that the lack there of a sense of progression and being forced to pay for ranked are the problem. But as far as I know, a lot of games don't have ranked mod at all but yet thrived and what do people mean by progression?

    Can anyone educate me about the situation?

    submitted by /u/The_Things
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    Anonymous mode doesn't work.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 03:17 PM PST

    When you find a match, you can see your opponents account name. It doesn't change over to "Anonymous" until you are in the actual match.

    submitted by /u/ab1ab1_ab2_ab2
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    ARTIFACT - Funny & WTF Moments - EP.15

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 05:11 PM PST

    Can this game be saved with the core mechanics kept in tact, or does it need a complete overhaul?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:50 PM PST

    Something I've been wondering.

    Can any amount of balance changes, new cards, reward/progression systems, reworking of costs (or going completely F2P), or any other ancillary changes save this game, or does it need a complete overhaul of gameplay mechanics?

    If so, how would you suggest Valve change the game to save it?

    submitted by /u/Birth_Defect
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    Artifact comparison to Mark Rosewater video

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:44 AM PST


    "Magic: the Gathering: Twenty Years, Twenty Lessons Learned"

    Rules which Artifact still has to learn:

    Rule 5: Dont confuse "interesting" with "fun".

    Rule 6: Understand what emotion your game is trying to evoke.

    Rule 7: Allow the players to make ur game personal

    Rule 8: The details are where the players fall in love with ur game.

    Rule 9: Allow your players to have a sense of ownership.

    Rule 11: If everyone likes your game, but no one loves it, it will fail.

    Rule 13: Make the fun part also the correct strategy to win.

    Rule 16: Be more afraid of boring your players than challenging him.

    Rule 17: You dont have to change much to change everything.

    Let me know ur opinion. :)

    submitted by /u/ADTheBowman
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    4-Person Team League ~ Starts Feb. 3

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 11:08 AM PST

    What: four-person knock-out team league

    When: playdays are Sunday at 7pm ET

    Discord: https://discord.gg/at2bGDB

    Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/artifactantigamers (thanks /u/FaveHD for the banner)

    Sign-up: https://goo.gl/forms/KFj4PcFeS1V4C4OY2

    Prior to the match, teams will submit lineups of four players with four corresponding decks, and decide which player/deck pair will start. The starters play the first game. The loser is eliminated for the match, and the losing team picks the next player from three remaining challengers. This continues until a team has no players left and loses the match. Here's what a match report looks like.

    [AA]BoX [1-0] [Bot]1

    [AA]BoX [2-0] [Bot]4

    [AA]BoX [2-1] [Bot]3

    [AA]PuppyWallet [2-2] [Bot]3

    [AA]BMTS [3-2] [Bot]3

    [AA]BMTS [4-2] [Bot]2

    Artifact Antigamers [4-2] Bots

    Season 1 will start on Feb. 3 and last about two months.

    submitted by /u/aboxcar
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    /r/Artifact Cosmetic Cup #2

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 08:03 PM PST

    Hello There.

    Are you ready for another /r/Artifact tournament?


    Sunday January 27th at 2PM (1400) CET (TimeZone Converter)


    -128 Player 7 Round Swiss

    -Phantom Draft

    -Single Match (Allow Draws)

    -Top 4 Advance to a Single Elimination (Bo3) Bracket

    Up to four tournament brackets will be filled in the event there is overflow. Once one link is filled, the next one will be posted.

    The final bracket will redraft and contain 4-16 people based on how many groups can be filled.


    Top 4 in groups will receive cool limited edition /r/Artifact cosmetics 🏆. Get it?

    The grand champion will receive an additional, even more limited edition /r/Artifact cosmetic 💪, and a $50 Lush gift card. Cosmetic cup 💄.


    Invite links will be posted in the /r/Artifact Discord Cosmetic Cup Channel - AND - stickied here on /r/Artifact ONE HOUR before start - 1PM (1300) CET.

    Once one link has been filled, the next link will be posted. Sign ups will close at 2PM (1400) CET. All tournaments will start no later than 2:15PM (1415) CET.

    You cannot register for more than one tournament. If you do this you will be disqualified.

    Players will have 5 minutes to queue for games. 10 minutes if absolutely necessary.

    If you are interested in broadcasting this tournament, please send me a DM.

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
    [link] [comments]

    Turns out 6 Duels are pretty good

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 05:20 AM PST

    Luckiest Ravage ever to win the game (Sorry MaggoGx)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:12 PM PST

    What do you want to see in the next update/near future to save Artifact

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 09:44 PM PST

    Personally I would like to see 1. Game initial price cut in half ($10) or less 2. More free methods to receive tickets 3. Added customizations such as different card backs, possibly dragon skins/customization, animations, etc 4. Added XP for online dueling. I would rather consistently get decent XP via wins than just get one weird +1000xp boost per week... 5. Release more cards/hero's, even for a newly launched game it seems repetitive due to the sparse choices.

    I'm currently around the 20 hour mark, still having fun and progressively getting better. I just wish it was more popular so I wouldn't have to deal with fighting players double-triple my level. The only other thing I would like to see is a free weekend, which would undoubtedly gain SOME attention.

    EDIT-To those who are still harping on the card prices, please stop. At the current market it's exponentially cheaper than HS or MTG, which IMO are the main competitors...

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/chrizwaletti
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    Can my laptop handle artifact? Ryzen 7 2700U no GFX card

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 06:48 PM PST

    I don't have my desktop with me and wonder if I should bother running it on a new laptop. It is ryzen 7 2700U with a default AMD graphics card ( RX Vega 10).

    It can run Shadowverse and Final Fantasy 13 fine, but Artifact seems to be a completely different beast.

    Anyone else with a similar setup? Thanks

    submitted by /u/TrueHeroIke
    [link] [comments]

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