• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 3, 2019

    Artifact - I couldn't help but wonder what an Artifact box would look like if it was in the store. here its what i came up with

    Artifact - I couldn't help but wonder what an Artifact box would look like if it was in the store. here its what i came up with

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    I couldn't help but wonder what an Artifact box would look like if it was in the store. here its what i came up with

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 04:52 PM PST

    Sunsfan: "I am fully invested in Artifact"

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Petrify calling us out

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:04 PM PST

    I made a Prellex avatar

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 12:16 PM PST

    Honest question: are we allowed to talk about Pack EV in this subreddit?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:47 AM PST

    The mods just removed my post about current Pack EV and its effect on your expected value in Prize Play gauntlets. Is that taboo for some reason? I think it's helpful information for those attempting to grind Prize Play while selling excess cards. To sum my last post:

    Pack EV is currently $0.88, estimated as (Card Cost) / (1.15) using this script: https://repl.it/repls/ExhaustedUnwieldyCensorware

    50% winrate has an expected $0.57 payout in 1-ticket gauntlets, which means Valve's take is 43% of the $1 ticket.

    At current pack prices, you need a 61% winrate long-term to break even. With remaining player skill increasing, it's not feasible for the vast majority of players to break even playing Prize Play. I'd estimate that 10% of remaining Prize Play players have a 61%+ winrate and are at least breaking even (it's a rough guess, but not unreasonable with a normal bell curve).

    TLDR: if you're not a stellar 61%+ winrate player, stick with standard play until the game modes are tweaked.

    EDIT: Weird, they brought my original post back. Now there are 2 similar posts, oh well.

    submitted by /u/BetaFisher
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    Superjj102 is not happy about Artifact's current game state.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:59 PM PST

    We've got nothing to show and nothing to say.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 06:54 PM PST

    League of Legends and Hearthstone always have videos up, with videos of interesting and "rare" plays that they've recorded

    Artifact matches are very uneventful (and long), you simply don't get those. And when you get, it's not even that interesting to show in the end.

    We don't also have interesting things to say based on the game, it's either asking to remove annihilation, or bounty hunter's 50%. No discussion to switch between card A and card B, because card A is obviously better, and deckbuilding is not as important, also, the actions are not that important too, you just do whatever seems better with the things you have, no point in discussing that.

    No memes, because if there is nothing to talk about then there is nothing to meme about, so I guess that's it. And fan arts, except that an Artifact fanart is actually the same as a dota 2 fanart (they're cool tho).

    There is nothing to post here, except news and mindless rambling. I'm contributing on the rambling part.

    submitted by /u/mopusagnum
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    The fixed camera is more maddening than a pop-up banner ad

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:49 AM PST

    I play this game every day, because I love it, but the fixed camera is making me consider quitting. And I'm not being hyperbolic.

    I'm trying to read a card, and i'm ripped away by the camera. I'm trying to analyze the board state on the third lane, not so fast, you're back in lane one, buddy. These games are intense, which I love, but it makes the camera all the more annoying. In an elevated state of a heart-racing game, an issue like this is emotionally amplified akin to road rage (heart rate elevates while driving). Please prioritize, Volvo.

    Edit: Thanks for the Platinum, wealthy stranger!

    submitted by /u/quietsam
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    PSA: Don't bind pass to mouse wheel (rip headphone users)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:23 PM PST

    When this post is 22 hours old Valve will stop refunding nerfed cards.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:00 PM PST

    Bye Axe, I will miss you o/

    submitted by /u/mopusagnum
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    RIP 2018-2019

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:53 PM PST

    How StanCifka Defended His 5k Bounty (Again)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:01 AM PST

    Pack EV is down to $0.88. Let's look at Valve's current Gauntlet rake

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 09:57 AM PST


    This script calculates pack EV as the (Cost to Buy) / 1.15, accounting for the steam tax. We're down to $0.88. If you're playing Constructed or Draft Prize Play with a 50% win rate, and you intend to sell the cards you open, Valve's rake is now up to a whopping 43%. You spend your 1 ticket. There's a 13% chance you get it back, 8% chance you profit one pack ($0.88), and 11% chance you profit 2 packs ($1.76). The remaining 69%, you lose your ticket.

    Is there any wonder the community is extremely unhappy with the current game mode structure?

    submitted by /u/BetaFisher
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    What is good and bad RNG in Artifact?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:10 PM PST

    If the community were to pass on feedback to Valve about what RNG is good in the game and what isn't, what do you think the majority opinion would be?

    My view is ARROW RNG creates pointless frustration. I think it detracts from the game rather than adds to it. With all the other RNG in this game, why add a further layer to it which just creates awkward moments occasionally? Does it create an additional interesting strategic layer to the game which is actually needed and/ or fun? I don't think so but interested in your view.

    submitted by /u/Michelle_Wong
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    Suggestion to improve Artifact: The Ticket System.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 12:46 PM PST

    The Ticket System Sucks

    That's the number one reason the game lost players. It has so many flaws it's incredible Valve actually put this in the game. I'll go over some negative points about it.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE on the long run to go infinite, anyone that plays the game a lot, even if they're really good at the game will eventually have to buy more tickets to keep playing.

    Think about it, you bought the game, you bought cards and you STILL have to be worried ALL THE TIME whether you'll need to buy new tickets now or next week. People play games to have fun and relax or to tryhard and scratch that competitive itch a lot of us have. But losing in a competitve game is already painful enough (dota players know it) taking an extra monetary loss when losing is a HUGE red flag.

    And you can't just put in "standard play" next to "expert play" and tell people "you can play this other mode for free". This is not how human beings work. We all have our illusions of grandiosity, we all watch streamers and laugh when they make mistakes and think to ourselves "I'm better than this guy". It's normal, it's standard human behaviour. When you present people a second option with a "there's nothing at stake in this one" it makes people feel like second class citizens, it's like you're saying "go play with the kids, you're not good enough", you're destroying that illusion of grandiosity we all have inside. Whether you want to admit it or not, it's there.

    So you end up having two modes to play:

    Prize Play: Where you're always anxious when playing the game and on the edge and every loss feels horrible and getting 0-2 1-2 2-2 is disheartening.

    Standard Play: Where by default you feel like a loser because if you were good you would be playing prize play and even if you go 5-0 you feel like shit because what goes on your mind is "I could've won 2 packs if I played this prize play".

    It's unsustainable long term. This system alone will burn everyone out, doesnt matter how good you make the gameplay (artifact's best thing by far).

    TL;DR so far: The ticket system is designed to make people feel like shit and it has got to go. The BEST thing Valve could possibly do is completely remove it. The game should have 4 Queues: Call to Arms Preconstructed, Play Against Bots, Play Constructed, Play Draft. And that's all.

    PS: There's one more thing I feel like I have to write a bit about and it's the monetization.

    Heartstone launched in 11 march 2014 and it was a huge success. After that, there were a bunch of card games that tried to compete for it's market. Some of those games were pretty damn good. They all failed and most of them don't even have 2000 daily players. Blizzard did the same with the MMOs market with WoW. Blizzard fans are extremely obnoxious and tribalistic, it's like a cult, it's really weird. And in my opinion if Valve tried to do what all those other games did and copy the same economic model Hearthstone has, the same thing would happen once again. Blizzard will keep buying more advertisment for Hearthstone and would eventually kill Artifact like they killed all other games. They have their "loyal fans" and they have the means to do it.

    Valve's greatest advantage is the steam market. Being able to buy singles on the market is a revolutionary feature. While making a top tier deck in Hearthstone would cost you $200 in packs, an Artifact top tier deck costs you less than $40 most of the time and once Axe and Drow buyback ends tomorrow, it'll probably get cheaper since those two cards prices are going to probably plummet. I honestly think Valve's system is way better for the competitive player. But they really don't need people paying extra money to buy tickets. Let people buy the game, let people buy their singles on the market, that's all great...

    But god damnit get rid of the entire ticket system (and add a proper ladder just like dota 2) and the game will be much better.

    submitted by /u/fixingartifact
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    Tournament Organizer's Requests

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:44 PM PST

    Heya folks,

    MauxFire here from the Brozne Legion. I just ran another one of our weekly tournaments and a few things popped up and I figured I'd make a post about it in case Valve reads this sub reddit for feed back.

    The main problem I had was that people automatically queuing when the tournament opened up caused substantial lag to most people's clients and also caused a series of draws for players who's client crashed. This is rather troubling as it completely changes the results of the tournament for those players as one point could mean the difference in making it to the top 8 for the single elimination bracket or not. I'm sure Valve is aware of this but I just wanted to point it out again.

    Other than that it was mostly quality of life improvements on the in game client, which is awesome by the way. I'm super happy they have tournament support in game, something that should be standard in all DCGs. In no particular order I'd like to see:
    - Double elimination format, it combines a better chance for people with bad luck with out sacrificing massive amounts of time to a swiss bracket.

    - Tell me how many people are in the tournament. I know the invites show you how many people accepted but it doesnt account for direct invites and it's just a stupid thing not to have already displayed. Tell me exactly how many people are in the lobby.

    - Tell me what round players are on and maybe even pop up the little window in the corner of the match to show me the status of the towers and hero placement so I can quickly decide which game to jump into when casting games.

    - Give me a allow all to spectative/do not allow spectate button. The players in the top 8 of a tournament tend to want to watch eachothers games while the bracket is down. If I'm not streaming then having a button to allow it would make my life easier rather than having to go through and allow each player individually and maybe accidentally kicking one of them when trying to click on change rights.

    Other than those little quality of life improvements the in game tournament support has been a blast to use! If you haven't tried playing a tournament come check out our weekly tournaments in the Bronze Legion

    submitted by /u/MauxFireGaming
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    Bronze Legion Constructed Tournament Series $100 Prize Pool

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Heya Folks,

    We are please to announce our constructed series with a $100 prize pool! SparrowsRum will be hosting the event on his channel, he will be playing in the event until(if) he is knocked out and then casting it. Make sure you tune into his channel to watch the event!

    The format will be constructed single elimination best of one with the finals being best of three. There will be two qualifiers one on January 4th and one on January 11th at 7pm PST. Winner takes home $10 and top 8 get an invite to the top 16 finals.

    The Finals will be single elimination best of three with first prize being $40 second prize being $20 and third and fourth winners taking home $10. The finals will be held on January 18th at 7pm PST.

    The tournament links will be posted 2 hours before the tournament starts in the Bronze Legion Discord

    The Bronze Legion is a community of Artifact players where all skill levels can find a match and organize tournament play. We aim to create a friendly and fun environment for players to connect and improve their skills. We also maintain a constantly updated tournament news channel for all other prized tournaments we can get information on. So come by and check us out.

    submitted by /u/MauxFireGaming
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    10 examples of brilliant card design in Artifact

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:56 AM PST

    I just beat a monoblue kanna deck with a 40 improvements deck, ty slacks!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:03 PM PST

    Hey Valve, why can't we have a normal chat box?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:29 AM PST

    Like seriously, are we not allowed to talk to strangers? IMO it would also release some tension from the game once you get a glhf in the chat in the beginning. Why do you have to follow other devs regarding this?

    submitted by /u/Synshade
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    Last day for Team League Sign ups!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 06:34 PM PST

    Artifact Team League

    The ATL is a team based artifact league! Each team's roster will consist of four players and optional subs. The match format is best-of-one KOF, similar to king-of-the-hill. Match days are Tuesday or Thursday nights, and every match will be streamed!

    We will start season one with eight teams, two divisions of four. The top two teams from each division will advance to the playoffs! We expect season one to start on January 8th and finish by February 29th.

    When you sign up you will be asked if you want to play Tuesday or Sunday. We will do the best we can to honor each team's wishes. Once the season starts you will be given your schedule! Each week your match will be either match 1 or 2. For streaming purposes, match one will always start at 8pm EST, and match 2 will follow right AFTER match 1.

    Matches will be between teams of four players with four corresponding decks. The starting players/decks will play a best-of-one. The losing team will then pick any of their three remaining players to face the winner of the first game. This continues until a team has all four of their players eliminated, at which point they lose the match. In the event of a draw, the game will be replayed. A normal match would look like...

    Team Super [4:2] Team Okay

    TS.Player1 (Mono Blue) [1:0] TO.Player1 (RG Ramp)

    TS.Player1 (Mono Blue) [2:0] TO.Player2 (Mono Blue)

    TS.Player1 (Mono Blue) [2:1] TO.Player3 (RB Aggro)

    TS.Player2 (BU Payday) [3:1] TO.Player3 (RB Aggro)

    TS.Player2 (BU Payday) [3:2] TO.Player4 (RU Control)

    TS.Player3 (RB Aggro) [4:2] TO.Player4 (RU Control)

    This allows the losing team to pick a deck the believe should be particularly suited to counter other decks, as a TEAM it will be very important to make sure you have a strong mix that together can beat everything. If you as a team work and make 1 amazing deck, feel free for all four of you to bring it! Just don't be shocked if you run into one deck you cant beat!

    All deck lists will be posted after each week is completed, this match report would also link to the real deck's used by each player.

    Sign ups are open here until January 4th. Depending on the amount of interest we may close sign-up's early, we may also have play-in matches.

    Join our Discord to get up to date news!

    submitted by /u/ArtifactTeamLeague
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    [Idea] Add a "Shuffle" option for 1g on shop, similar to the "Hold" option of Secret shop

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:58 PM PST

    I was thinking about people complaining about the RNG of the shop, more precisely the TP scroll RNG.

    Just to clarify my POV, I have 0 problem with the RNG of shop, so it's not another shitpost.

    But as we have the "Hold" button, I thought about a "Shuffle" button for Item shop and/or Consumable shop.

    For 1g, you could shuffle the deck and have a new item proposed.

    A few different versions can be imagined:

    - 1g change both Item/Consumable or only one of them

    - Shuffle is limited to 1/turn or possibility to shuffle at will if we have the money

    - Draw the new card in the entire selected deck or draw only considering all the other cards or put the actual proposed item out of the pool until the end of this shopping phase

    For the last proposal with the "out of the pool" proposal, it means that you can keep paying to lower the chances each time. For ex: you want a TP scroll. With the Consumable Shop, you have 1/4 chance to get a it, but got a Knowledge potion instead. You shuffle, so the Knowledge potion is temporarily out of the pool and you have 1/3 chance to get the TP. No luck, you have a Salve, you shuffle again, excluding the salve and have 1/2 chance to get the TP. Finally, you have the TP after the 2nd shuffle, so the TP costed you 5g instead of 3g (meaning that you could have a guaranteed consumable each turn for +3g) At the next shopping phase, the "banned" items are back in the deck.

    PROS & CONS:

    + More possibilities to deal with RNG

    + Less frustration for people not being able to get what they want

    + RNG is still there so you can't just predict a perfect play a long time in advance

    + Possibility to lessen variance with gold

    - (?) Direct buff to gold

    - (?) Buff to econ decks by giving them the possibility to get a easier access to big items

    - (?) Specific item are easier to get (RM Maul for ex can arrive earlier. Jasper Daggers can be chased when you know that a silence is coming, indirectly nerfing Silence, etc)

    - (?) Over-comitting in a lane is less punishing with easier access to TP scrolls

    I think that this idea could be a nice addition, by giving the opportunity to correct potential mistakes or bad luck with a few gold. It could have a big impact on the balance of the game, particuliarly with the last proposal when you can have a guaranteed item for a certain amount of gold.

    Playing well is still better, as it doesn't cost you money.

    What do you guys think about this ? Yeah or nay ?

    submitted by /u/Oubould
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    Artifactfire needs a little fix

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:44 PM PST

    There should be a default sorting option for the "top upvoted of the week" or "top upvoted of the month" or something, the way it is right now you can only see very old stuff (top upvoted) or useless stuff (latest post)

    submitted by /u/Nubanuba
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    Server issues

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 10:02 PM PST

    Anyone else having problems with the Atlanta regional server? I was in the middle of a draft game and got booted. Normally no big deal but damn i didnt want to lose to boot. Will it effect my loss rate? Will i just lose the draft?

    submitted by /u/Winobaisdark
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    Reminder: tomorrow is the last day to refund your nerfed cards.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:55 AM PST

    LPT: refund the cards and wait a week to buy them back half-off.

    Edit: added link to valve's refund tutorial


    submitted by /u/mopusagnum
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