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    Wednesday, January 9, 2019

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Smash Their Defenses!

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Smash Their Defenses!

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Daily Card Discussion - Smash Their Defenses!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 08:28 AM PST

    Smash Their Defenses!

    Color: Red

    Type: Spell

    Mana: 3

    Rarity: Uncommon

    Illustrator: JiHun Lee

    Summary: Condemn an improvement. ⭮ Draw a card.

    Lore: Everyone likes to think they build things that last, but if you give the Keen enough time, we'll figure out how to destroy anything. — Timbersaw, Founding Member of the S.O.L.K.

    • What other cards (spells/improvements/heroes/creeps) synergize well with Smash Their Defenses!?

    • What format (constructed vs. draft) does Smash Their Defenses! do well in?

    • What kind of experiences have you had with Smash Their Defenses!?

    • What changes would you make (if any) to Smash Their Defenses!?

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    After 60 hours and over 2 perfect runs, I’m not going to give any advice on how to fix the game....at all

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 01:55 PM PST

    I just play the game sometimes

    submitted by /u/cmavelis
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    The best thing that happened to me after spending 200 hours trying to convince me that Artifact was the game I wanted...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I finally gathered the courage to start learning DotA 2 from scratch a few days ago, and boy this game is fantastic.

    submitted by /u/Nyldrim
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    Won a game by Lion fingering himself

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 09:32 AM PST

    I'm using a really bad deck. I got insanely lucky and get a Vesture of the Tyrant from a golden ticket. Put it on Lion. Opponent abandons that lane, which I eventually win. Need back up in other lanes, no more enemy creeps to finger. I tell Lion to finger himself. Game warns me this is a bad idea. Proceed anyway. Get lion back next turn due to rapid deployment. Deploys to mid, Finger of death on one turn cooldown at this point. Finger helps to clear board of creeps. Win game 2 turns later.

    submitted by /u/ArborealOctopus
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    What was the Point of the closed beta? They did nothing with the negative feedback from Reynad/Nox... They did nothing when "Pros" were saying the game is dead on arrival before it even released...What were they doing for a whole YEAR in closed beta???

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Should have listened to the "Pros" who you let beta test for a year

    submitted by /u/LMN0HP
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    The gauntlet you are trying to join is no longer valid

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 10:09 PM PST

    Just had this come up trying to start a phantom draft, any one else get it?

    submitted by /u/magic_gazz
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    Custom Artifact Expansion-- Call of the Wild (Updating)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 05:51 PM PST


    Saw this awesome custom expansion on THE Chinese TCG/CCG community yingdi, and figure you guys might like it. Talked to the author and he's happy to let me translate them to English.

    Above are the contents that I translated, credit to 皮皮蜥Pipixi

    If you guys like what you've seen so far, I would put the Green and Black heroes on there as well, along with some other creeps and spells. Please don't hesitate to give feedbacks.

    Hope you guys enjoy it!

    Here is the original post(in Chinese)


    submitted by /u/junpeilin
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    The Artifact TI prize pool is high enough to give every active player about $230

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 09:03 PM PST

    I though this is a funny fact

    submitted by /u/AkaiMi
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    Artifact Sacrifices Interactivity for Strategy

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Artifact Sacrifices Interactivity for Strategy

    Artifact gives players much more control over their own board state compared to other card games. Typical card games let you play creeps, heals and buffs to a single board, but artifact introduces improvements which can have massive lasting impacts on your board state, as well a 3 lane system which makes your board 3 times as complex and gives your cards 3 times more versatility. However, Artifact takes away the direct control of your minions attacking your opponent's face and board. The focus of the game is on improving your board state through modifying your heroes and minions and clearing the board state your opponent has been working on. This adds a lot of strategy to the core gameplay, but also can make the game feel more like a complicated game of solitaire rather than chess.

    In other games, your board is a tool you can use to hurt your opponent. In Artifact the board is more like the main objective than a tool.

    Below I've mapped out the core mechanics in most card games vs. the ones in Artifact.

    Basic CCG Flowchart

    Basic Artifact Flowchart

    The goal of the game is to hit your opponent in the face (or in this case the tower), but minions auto-attacking removes the feeling that you are directly interacting with your opponent. If you worked for 20 minutes to buff up a hero to have a big attack, and then he decides to attack a creep instead of tower, it feels pretty awful. Likewise most improvements sit on your board like hotels in monopoly, giving you value every turn with no player input.

    Artifact feels like playing against the board more than playing against an actual opponent. Part of the core gameplay is reacting to creep deployments and arrows which your opponent had no input in. That doesn't mean the game isn't filled with strategy or that the best player doesn't usually win, it's just the measure of "who's the best" is a measure of who can play against the board better, not who can play against their opponent better. There are exceptions to this, you need to play around direct damage spells like no accident or annihilation, but at it's core Artifact is about building up your board.

    When you are interacting with your opponent, the goal is to shut them out of options. The primary way to deal with your opponent is to kill or silence their heroes before they get to play cards. The whole point of interacting with your opponent is to deny them the ability to play, or completely annihilating what they've been building on their side. The lock mechanic only adds on top of this. Killing heroes is often wrong if they already played an important card that turn, or if it's not an important mana turn yet. You don't want to have your opponent's blue hero respawning on mana turn 6 for instance.

    This was a bit of a rant but here is my TL;DR:

    • Artifact adds complexity to the idea of a board by adding a 3 lane system
    • Artifact adds strategy by the system in which you can play cards to a lane with the same color hero
    • Artifact removes direct interaction with your opponent by taking away control of minions
    • The core gameplay of Artifact is about buffing your own board state, clearing your opponents board, and preventing your opponent from playing cards
    • The core gameplay of Artifact takes some of the fun out of typical TCGs

    The reason I made this post is because some people still believe that the monetization is the downfall of this game and that's just not true. Something like a million people bought the game, but only several thousand are still playing. The problem is not monetization or daily quests or progression or RNG, the problem is that people don't like the core gameplay.

    submitted by /u/brettpkelly
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    After 300 hours/70 draft rating I'm gonna give my suggestions on fixes to common complaints

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 11:34 AM PST

    I know we seem to have one of these threads every day but it's because we want the game to be better and think we have some good ideas to do that.

    "The skill rating system sucks": it does, it feels more like a secondary XP system where you just grind games, is there anyone that hit a wall before 70? Another problem is that standard and prized have a shared rating for some reason, this is the only game that doesn't have a separate competitive and casual mode which in itself brings other issues (not being able to have compeitive settings like tournament timer without impacting new players). My suggestion is to have separate casual and competitive modes + the competitive mode using tournament timer and having shown MMR/ranks the same as Dota 2. Casual mode can keep the current timer.

    "Matches are too long": they can be, it really depends how much of the time bank you use, if both players are playing quickly and both end up with 10+ minutes in the time bank then it's not too bad. As touched on above the current tournament timer is perfect for competitive in my opinion, you should sometimes feel pressured by time IMO, making correct quickfire decisions & managing your time bank are skills that should be rewarded. My suggestion is the above mentioned competitive mode should use the tournament timer.

    "Arrow RNG feels really bad even if it's statistically ok": I think we've all had that hero melee creep that tanks 3 heroes and denies a tower kill, it feels really bad when it happens to you and you feel bad for your opponent when it happens to them. I don't think Valve will remove arrows all together, surely they tried this in beta and must've felt it was boring/too simple? My suggestion would be for heroes to always attack straight unless manipulated by things like compel, assassin's veil etc. Creeps having arrows still mostly doesn't feel that bad and keeps the flavor that Valve seem to want. Except for giant ones like Thunderhide Alpha, Keenfolk Golem etc. which also feel bad when they arrow into a melee creep, my suggestion for this is a new keyword for giant creeps that also makes them attack straight unless manipulated, call it "straightshooter" or something. Note that IMO Thunderhide Pack arrowing into something doesn't feel as bad as the other giant creeps because it has siege so you're taking out a unit/hero while still pressuring the tower, so alternatively giant creeps having siege could also work.

    "My opponent got TPs and I didn't": in draft there are very few ways to change lanes besides redeploying heroes after they die. TPs are one of the most valuable resources for this reason, having a hero stuck in a lane you don't want while it never dies and getting offered no TPs while your opponent gets multiple can leave you feeling helpless. If both get offered none it feels even and not as bad, so my suggestion is that the consumable (right hand side) part of the shop always offers both players the same item e.g. if you get offered a TP this round then so did you opponent, if you get offered a healing salve then so did your opponent etc. (this adds a facet of always making sure you keep enough gold to buy a TP if it's offered next round, you get an advantage if your opponent doesn't do this)

    This means that you have the same opportunities, there's already skill in tracking what items your opponent has bought and this adds to that while still not being perfect information (e.g. you see they spent 3 gold on a item but you're not sure if it was the healing salve offered or a short sword from their deck)

    Could also argue that the secret shop have this same system where you're offered the same item, but I'm not 100% sure on this. It would add in trying to work out whether your opponent used the hold function for 1 gold on the Vesture that you were both just offered, and if he did then he missed out on the blink dagger you got offered the next turn etc. This is probably better than having a power item come out of nowhere that your opponent got from the secret shop, at least you have some info on what they could've bought. Having imperfect information is better than having no idea.

    "Forced camera movement is annoying": when you first start playing it's ok because it makes sure you know it's now your turn in the active lane but after becoming more experienced it is very annoying, simple fix is adding an option to tweak/turn off forced camera movement.

    Edit: also I want to add you should be able to mulligan up to 2 cards out of your starting 5.

    submitted by /u/ItsArma
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    I can't join constructed matchmaking because it keeps coming up with this error. I've restarted and verified game integrity but it still comes up. The deck I'm using is valid as well. This is the only matchmaking I play. Is anyone else having this issue?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 10:11 PM PST

    Marketing at the highest level (proportional to the number of players).....

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 05:22 PM PST

    the number of players is falling and on social media nothing is happening in 2019, not one entry (even a small one to encourage the game or something NOTHING !!!)

    the game died together with the whole team

    submitted by /u/ArtifactPlay
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    I think I've worked out what's wrong with the core gameplay that's driving people off and no, it's not the RNG, it's the skip a turn nature of the game.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 03:44 PM PST

    I'll preface by saying I like the game, it's pretty clever, well made etc, but the ever decreasing player count indicates something is wrong with the core gameplay that's driving people off.

    Core gameplay is designed around not letting your opponent play

    The best thing to do is to kill the opponents heroes before they get a chance to cast a spell, leaving them with cards in hand, mana unspent. This means your opponent doesn't do anything in that lane, and that feels bad for them.

    Because the best thing to do is kill the opponent's heroes before they get a chance to cast a spell, the next best thing to do is get initiative. The best way to get initiative? Pass, don't play anything.

    So much of the game is based around not doing things so you can be first to prevent your opponent from doing things.

    In modern boardgames, one of the new cardinal rules of design is you never implement a skip a turn mechanic, because that just means someone that wants to play and engage with your game is not getting to do anything or make any decisions. Artifact is basically full of skip a turn mechanics.

    Second compounding problem, single action turns

    Because the game revolves around each opponent doing one thing, back and forth, there's an expected cadence that should form, but that gets interrupted either by either having nothing you can do, or want to do while your opponent has plenty they can do.

    This is in stark contrast to Magic, Hearthstone and nearly every other game, in the other games when it is your turn, you get to do whatever it is you were planning to do, you drop creatures, cast spells, make them attack and your opponent just has to take it.

    So even if a player has some stuff they want to do on their turn, they need to make sure their heroes are alive to do it.

    Can it be fixed?

    This is the million dollar question. I'm pretty sure it can, if I were Valve, I'd start by testing some builds where you can do something with mana in a lane regardless of whether or not you have a hero or cards there. Maybe something like spend 3 mana, gain a 3 mana colourless card. The colourless cards could be something like a crappy 2/2 minion, or deal 2 damage to target and it's neighbours, or choose a target, change it's combat target. The idea would be that the colourless cards are all strictly worse (higher cost, lower numbers) than coloured cards, but they can replicate effects from any colour.

    This would mean that losing a hero on the flop is no longer as punishing, you get a colourless card in that lane next round, it also means that every lane, every round you are engaged with the game, you start building up the colourless card tools you need to help you stall a lane or secure lethal.

    The main thing is to simply give the player something to do if there's no hero in lane, or they don't have any playable cards.

    submitted by /u/Fireslide
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    There are 2k Axe cards on market, how does the price even sustain

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 04:41 AM PST

    there are less than 5k peak players in this game now, why is axe still so expensive, how does this price even sustain. Im waiting for the day where the full collection can bought for 20 bucks.

    submitted by /u/thunderak1
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    Call to Cast: Cast. Gets Cheers. Get Paid.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 03:52 PM PST

    The first Closed Qualifier for the Artifact Bitcoin League $2K BTC Main Event is coming up this weekend. I will cast it if I have to, but you will all regret it. To prevent mass riot, I am opening the casting up to the community!

    Anyone with casting experience is welcome to cast. To sign up, say hi in the call-to-cast channel in Discord and post a link where people can find your work. If you don't have casting experience, make a demo from one of our YouTube videos or your own video and post it in the call-to-cast channel.

    From now until the end of the Main Event on Feb 3rd. All cheers on the Artifact Bitcoin League Twitch channel will be split 50/50 between casters and the prize pool. The more you cast and promote, the more bitties you can earn.

    I hope this gives an opportunity for small time casters to make a few bucks while also giving T1 casters a chance to participate in a community event while preserving their fee structure for larger events. Also, if viwers cheer 2 bits then the grand prize winner will be a solid 8th place on Liquipedia for all time Artifact earners. Heh.

    Big thanks to @ImpeduousPanda for discussing this idea with me a bit and offering to cast a few of the Main Event games! That is, of course, if he isn't too busy winning the tournament or skiing. What a life.


    To get paid for casting a game, you must successfully cast that game. I will determine success. My bar is low, very low.

    Payout will be distributed evenly to all casters according to number of games cast, regardless of fame, following, or importance of the match.

    If you do something against Twitch TOS or generally considered dumb on air, you forfeit your earnings.

    Caster payouts issued with cheer payout from Twitch (45-75 daysish? I don't know, Twitch hasn't given me no money). If the caster payout is not that much, then I will just pay it out immediately.

    I will cover the prize pool portion to pay out immediately upon end of tournament.

    All payouts in BTC


    Artifact Bitcoin League




    submitted by /u/mkbit
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    [Suggestion] Allow to change profile icon to any unlocked, not only the last ones

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 09:28 AM PST

    Or am i not seeing such option?

    submitted by /u/Aliter
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    I tried adjusting Annihilation to make it feel 'fairer' (4 different ways)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Got matched vs the same player 4 times in a row, why is this a thing?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 12:50 AM PST

    Waited 3 minutes to queue after the third game as well, what's happening?

    submitted by /u/TablerMan
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    Not every day you see Kanna kill a Thunderhide Pack

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 09:01 PM PST

    The gauntlet that you are trying to join is no longer valid to join (prize phantom draft)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 10:25 PM PST

    Can't play phantom draft, this happen after i press start.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 10:19 PM PST

    Just lost in keeper draft twice to the same player

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 03:04 PM PST

    In the second game he had 4 wins, and I had only 2. Apparently there are not that many people playing keeper's, but now I don't want too :/

    submitted by /u/icemtel
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    Why did you stop playing/started playing less?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 04:31 AM PST

    Is it one thing or a combination of reasons? Thought it would be interesting to see the different answers since the player count is steadily dropping.

    Personally, since leveling was introduced I win three games a week and no more. I'm pretty average at the game and keep getting matched against much better players. So matchmaking and the tiny xp gains after 3 wins are the main reasons I play a lot less.

    What are yours?

    submitted by /u/jaharac
    [link] [comments]

    Can we have shorter turns? at least on casual.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 01:08 PM PST

    I can't be the only one who thinks about playing then remembers how much time it takes people to do one move, and instantly lose all interest in playing.

    submitted by /u/aaakm1995
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    Super fun, quasi-meme-y, kinda good Ramp deck ft. Dark Seer and Crystal Maiden

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 09:59 AM PST

    In an another effort to contribute to Artifact content on this subreddit (or, alternatively, dilute the percentage of negative posts), here's another fun decklist!

    I don't know about you, but I like bizarre decks that stray from the beaten meta path. If you do as well, good news! I have a deck you might like, what I'm dubbed RG Maiden Ramp.

    First off, the Decklist.

    Also, before we venture to far, a short disclaimer: this isn't a deck that I built from whole cloth. I grabbed it from someone who beat me mercilessly. Unfortunately I can't credit that person because I simply don't remember their in-game name. I made some changes (exclusively to the items list), but other than that the deck is someone's brainchild that I just really liked.

    Anywho, the list is a take on the popular Red-Green varieties running around, albeit with some marked changes to really increase the explosiveness potential.

    Case in point: the deck runs a singular Crystal Maiden. This addition allows you to "combo" into a turn 3 Time of Triumph or Emissary of the Quorum with just a single Stars Align, since you recoup the mana from Stars and end up at 8 mana instead of a paltry 7. She also allows you to have some more play with card draw (Foresight) and board control (Annihilation).

    Another major change is the inclusion of Dark Seer as one of the green heroes. I originally was skeptical of this change, but after having played several runs I'm on board. Being able to toss a ToT'd hero is obviously huge, but the ability to throw a Roseleaf Druid to another lane after you've used the extra mana is quite powerful as well.

    If you're interested in some games in action, feel free to check out this YouTube playlist. I've got two queues on there, one with the original list (where we go 2-2) and one with a slightly updated item list (where we go 4-2). I'm convinced that I misplayed a number of these games too since I had never piloted the deck prior to recording these.

    If you've got a fun decklist you'd like me to play, shoot me a DM!

    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch

    submitted by /u/zoochz
    [link] [comments]

    When a play is so good in draft it renders you speechless.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2019 06:33 PM PST

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